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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. you cant beat a drilled airbox or induction kit for the noise. Ben raved about his 262? cams even before the charger and reap
  2. as for the fire risk: it's obviously not a new problem and it hasn't gone up in smoke yet!
  3. have you tried resetting the throttle body? Turn the ignition on without starting and wait for the throttle body servo to stop wirring, 15-20mins. May also be worth giving the TB a bit of a clean.
  4. I think the 4pm was for Inters. Although I think it's 12 this year. Says on the ticket purchase page
  5. Hi and welcome. As you say it could be bad aim when topping up oil or the rocker cover gasket has failed. Not too difficult a job to replace. Wait to see if the oil returns oil weeping from the HG near the air filter is not uncommon and nothing to be immediately concerned about. At that end of the engine there is there should be a breather pipe back to the air intake with an oil trap. These are a bit fragile and can crack leading to escaping oil fumes. Or get replaced with 'Redbull' oil catchers.
  6. try gsf or eurocarparts. I think there may be two different rotor arms
  7. I've got just the soundtrack for the weekend:
  8. Here is a more complete list of companies that offer premium members discounts. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?338293
  9. I should be ok, i can switch the rear diff 'off' so i only run fwd. cool, just didn't want you to come all that way for nothing. Looking forward to see what the beast'll do.
  10. that can be fixed by changing the 'latancy' in the advanced setup page of the com port http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?298808.0#post_299135
  11. It's difficult to judge due to them using the Euro. In Belgium and Germany it's over €1.40. Which at current rates works out at the high 120s
  12. but at the end of the year he'll still have a car worth 8k rather than empty pockets and a huge carbon footprint. Fair play to you James. Even if you are old before your time ;-)
  13. Mmmm, it's a family forum so no can do ;-)
  14. sat could never do the tracking either. To be sure it was in right position at all times it would need to be in a geo-stationary orbit around the equator so would be blocked by buildings. Ask yourself why sky dishes aren't at street level
  15. afaik under current legislation thier presence still needs to be identified. The satalite part is over played. GPS will be used to locate the camera accuratly rather than the distance between them having to be measured on the ground. Not even mi(itary spy sats can read number plates.
  16. if you just do part you will have to be very, very, careful not to crack the other plastic bits as the will have become brittle over age / heat cycling.
  17. Easy job even for a novice. First DIY I did on my vr. Taking the battery out gives more space to work. WD40, or better still Plusgas, the bolts before hand. And as Pete said replace the lot.
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