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Everything posted by thegoth

  1. not really thought about it. Sunday morning before the s&s voting?
  2. I disagree. Passanger side works in euroland where they drive on the wrong side of the road. But in the UK by the time you see a VRs badge passenger side in traffic it's usually to late to acknowledge the driver. To wich end, mine wears hers, when she does at all, on the drivers side ;-)
  3. this must the at least the third time it's been up for sale. Is it some sort of lemon? ;-)
  4. what sort of noise? grinding / rubbing / crunching / knocking....
  5. where's the oil temp sender than guys?
  6. I'm guessing the pics are too big. The filesize needs to be smaller than 512K and ideally smaller than 640 pixels wide. If you are using Windows, Microsoft have released a little tool to resize images easily; http://download.microsoft.com/download/whistler/Install/2/WXP/EN-US/ImageResizerPowertoySetup.exe signature pictures need to be 500 x 150 max.
  7. no reply to my email :( so will be calling first thing tomorrow matey bump
  8. well metcheck says a bit of rain Friday night but otherwise sunshine :) http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/7days.asp?zipcode=NN3 9DA well accuweather says the exact opposite :^) *-)
  9. unless you are on a phone in which case there should be a chatbox link along with all the others near the top of the page
  10. too similar to piston heads?
  11. We weren't that obviouse as a club. Tony's broken car had to get pushed in front of the banner. And then the neighbours parked a TDI A3 in front of everything. We also ended up with two beetles more obvious than the VRs. Glad you got sorted and had a good time. Bring on next year. I agree all the stops are going to come out for Bug Jam 25 :-D
  12. the six main leads are are the same. you have also got the king lead for a, very, early distributor set up. You don't need it with the later coil packs. Either throw it away, or send it to me ;-)
  13. thank god for that. cant imagine how the parents felt. indeed. they even got the police chopper out to search the surrounding fields and ditches with the thermal camera.
  14. got back at 9:20. Took an hour to go from the camp to level with the pod shop. Then the wee lad (4yo) was found in a cardboard box having crawled in and gone to sleep.
  15. made worse because a small boy from a race team has gone missing and vans and trailers are having to be checked in case he's got into one by mistake, or worse.
  16. Clutch, again! I'm still here as the queue is going nowhere and starts near our plot.
  17. VW say 10k for oil changes but a lot of owners do it at half that. Synta silver is the recommended oil from vw or gsf. 5.5 litres are required if you change the filter. Plugs should last for the makers recommended distance. 20K? Leads are good until they fail.
  18. Speed camera photos are processed by real people and if a mobile ANPR fails to read a plate you are likely to get pulled by the waiting coppers anyway. Although the increasing number of fixed ANPR cameras would be ineffective, true. As an aside, if a Nintendo DS can read the hand writting of a 6yo, ANPR systems must be really poorly desgined.
  19. check the part number as there a ( at least ) two different types.
  20. Anywhere that produces road legal plates, of any effect, will require you to produce your V5C and maybe proof of id.
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