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Everything posted by petervr6

  1. you not all talking about me are you :$ :-p lol
  2. is any body meeting up... its prob a bit late to ask this dohh
  3. been out giving the car a hoover and quick leather tolk me an hour agian but looking good. the sun its shining down here now
  4. sicko is the only word
  5. mark just wait for it to rain then run out with a sponge at least it will rinse itself off less of and effort.lol just kinding mate. this rain is really starting to bug me now i give up cleaning the car and as for the wheels i will have to give them a clean when i get there sat coz after the drive upi there im sure they will be wrecked.
  6. lloks like you will be singing in the rain...lol
  7. bit cheaper here same stuff really http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Car-Plastic-Bumper-Dye-Suitable-4-All-Types-A-Vehicle_W0QQitemZ230008324518QQihZ013QQcategoryZ72201QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem
  8. the ASA AR1 are in 17in can be found here http://swtyres.co.uk/wheels/asa/ar1
  9. p.s keep up the good work mate.
  10. are you mad 130k is nothing the engines just at its best by far.....
  11. the vr should outrun a mini as they say BHP sells cars Torque gets you there
  12. oh well will see what happens.. i got a suntan last year lol
  13. just gota hoover mine gave it a polish and wax early in the week oh and ive gata swap the wheels over and finsh polishing them.
  14. i quite like these and there cheap at 385 brand new bk racing 399
  15. according to http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?world=0008 its meant to rain :-(
  16. ohhh i hope not i will be most upset... any body know if wer on the same plot as last year..?
  17. there nice but soooo small. they couldnt even fit a spare wheel in the boot of them.
  18. looks tidy from what i can see for its year..
  19. there the caps and stems we sell at work we sell them for 4 quid so 25pence cheaper should be able to get them from any kwik-fit btw
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