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Everything posted by Nige

  1. what a dick, but at leats it's sorted now. And man do them Americans love you, yo is the shizzle man, can't blame them for loving your car mind, and nice one on the shocker aswell lololol, think tha's why they seem to love you so much cause you couldn't give a shit and just went and did it. Game on that man. Can't wait to see the massive group shocker, hope the weather holds off so theres more people there lol.
  2. Congratulations mate, as said before enjoy it as it will go by quickly, I remember my cute little girl Molly saying daddy for first time and now she's 2 all I get is NO , NO, where's mummy, and brew please lol, she loves a cup of tea lol. Again mate congrats.
  3. Have to admit that does look rather good Richie. Might have to have a go myself.
  4. Nige

    My new car!

    lol, it does look a bit of an animal, though I must say even though it was your track car it is in good nick, it's come up really shiney lol.
  5. I've actually owned 11 cars, the one before the Vr was a Rebuilt Cavalier SRI lol and the one before that which I kept the longest was my baby Scirocco. Bare in mind that it did get lowered after these pics lol.
  6. Nige

    My new car!

    I would be inclined to agree, did I hear that it ran a 13.8 1/4 whilst not running right ??? lol it's nippy then. Think he's on about trying to put a dash in it as it's going to be his daily driver lol.
  7. Nige

    My new car!

    Ar, so that's where Dubernuts Vento went, nice car aint she, been in it a few times. So did I hear it right that he/you px'd it for a MK1 ?? A Mk1 that is proper loud lol.
  8. Nige

    RAC Farce

    I do agree with the Towing home statement, only used them 4 times in 5 years and towed home with every case, so at least you have the good feeling of knowing that within an hour someone will come out and at least get you and your family home to there beds which does make a difference when you've got little kids.
  9. Nige

    0-60 timing

    Should be o'reet mate, you can borrow it when ever you like as I have just brought one myself lol.
  10. Nige

    0-60 timing

    Wouldn't cost you anyting mate as I'm only going to let you have a lend lol.
  11. Very Very nice, looks right clean in that bay, do you actually use it lol. As Hoppa said, " any pics of the rest of the car ".
  12. Nige

    0-60 timing

    Hey Eat This, might be able to get my hands on a G-Tec for ya, I'll ask my mate and if so I'll meet you up Carls place next Saturday or something.
  13. I know it's an old thread but just thought i'd say I'm new, I'm a Stokey and I'm up for a meet lol. Have a good one.
  14. Nige

    RAC Farce

    Don't talk to me about AA, had them out last Sunday, immoboliser kicked in and stayed on, nothing they could fair enough, BUT in the process of looking they broke the dizzy cap AND the crank sensor underneath it, just waiting for my bill and written confirmation of faults from Porsche tech and I'm sending them a letter, probabaly wont come to anything but make me feel better. I tell you how bad this guy was, my misses came down to me and brought me a macdonalds, so talking to her and my daughter when I turn round and he's got a pair of pliers on number one HT lead yanking at it, just about man
  15. Hello mate, try . www.westmidsonline.co.uk, www.migweb.co.uk, www.cavweb.co.uk, I have a got a mint 1990 SRI aswell as my VR and have to say I do like it, t's not a turbo but it is the SEH engine ( 136 BHP ) and it is still pretty damn nippy, I've totally stripped mine, new arches which as previously stated are a real problem but at £9 each not expensive, then it's sill but then they are £10 a side so cheap, had mine fully sprayed again in oroginal bright red, new alloys, full system and tubualr manifold and it shifts quite well. They are very cheap to repair with so many second hand and ne
  16. Well it's just been trailored away and Yes he's paying for it. Exceptionally nice bloke, I'm not going to let him pay for it all, it's very very rare to find someone like this and I'm not going to take the Pi$$ by making him pay for the lot.
  17. Cheers Stockers, it is in really nice nick, a credit to the former keeper. Koni and Eibach suspension, engine rebuilt by Dubsport, full powerflow, AMD throttle body, BRM quickshift, 7 week old clutch, drilled discs and new pads a few weeks ago, 1 week old Lambda probe, heated leather and loads of spares including tensioner, new wing, leads, original gearshift set, hoses, gaskets and such. got a problem with loss of power and nasty noise coming from timing chain side of the engine, rang the previous owner and he is collecting it on a flatbed today to be sorted for me. One of the most genuine gu
  18. As per subject really, just thought I'd put some photos up of my VR !lol . Have a good one. Nige
  19. Oh forgot to say I had alarm guy out about the immob, when we took all the spongey stuff off the ignition wires the ignition wire had been linked and upon touching it it just fell out, they crimped one end but not the other end ????
  20. Thank **** for that, tell you what after the immob problem and this slight miss I was talking myself into it was going to cost me big dollars already lol. Funny thing is though it was only serviced by VW 3k ago mmmmm. Oh well aslong as it is only that I'm happy, oh and it 100% is 10 - 02 as I just ran outside and checked.
  21. Afternoon all, well after a game with the immob yesterday I had a couple digits pop up 2 or 3 times where the mileage read out should be. It looked like 10 - 02 ??????? Being new to all this I have no idea what this means. Thanks guys Nige
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