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Everything posted by kadvr6

  1. or for the same ish money, put a supercharger on it
  2. you just need some mk2 16v plugs, they work very well in a s/c vr6.
  3. here is waynes (chipwizards) mobile number 07977004476
  4. engine mounts/oil cooler are very much advised also a de-cat pipe. if your going for 8-10psi then that is all you really need. if going for anymore than 10psi?? then some form of water injection is also required. i got your pm about chipwizards, i will send you the number later. karl
  5. i'm getting rid of my vortech very very soon (saturday) its only going so i can afford a rotrex c30-94, i will be going for 15-18psi (6) got the chargecooler sorted. i will let peeps no how i get on. karl
  6. oh sorry Kev, i never realised Stealth were also a schimmel distributor :$
  7. strictly dubs are the uk schimmel supplier, so maybe get in touch with them. karl
  8. £206 is not cheap at all, strictly dubs are doing them for approx £160. or kinetic motorsport in the states works out to approx £135 delivered. karl
  9. chipwizards in manchester, wayne is very very good at doing the supercharger re-maps.
  10. the V1 is bigger than the more common V9 it also displaces about 20% more air than the V9 that is why it comes on boost sooner than a V9. trust me i no about this as i have driven vr's with a V9, and my V1 does come on boost at about 2800rpm.
  11. what do ya mean by the storm thing?? the ony thing difference with a corrado storm, and a normal corrado vr6 is the colour/leather, that is the only differnce
  12. SHE your boss is a women, and drives an Aston. is she single
  13. have you called Dubunit yet??? and yeh as evryone has said, you must insure it as a vr6 mate.
  14. Dubunit in fazely near tamworth does them mate, 01827 288778 he's name is Matt. tell him that Karl sent you he's way.
  15. storm developments have one dont they???
  16. i have a 6psi pulley, so if you want to swap them??? let me no. karl
  17. i'm intrested in that bit of kit cadguy. i will do some research later. karl
  18. saying that, next year i will be going for the max boost ican get from my v1, but i have been looking at the following chargecooler http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Water-to-Air-Turbo-Charge-Cooler-Intercooler_W0QQitemZ320147400165QQihZ011QQcategoryZ72205QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem with this pump, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Charge-cooler-pump-water-chargecooler-turbo-charger_W0QQitemZ270154165202QQihZ017QQcategoryZ72205QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem just gotta find a suitable rad for the install, and of course some pipe work.
  19. if you are only going 8-10psi you will be fine with just the aquamist for cooling and anti detonation. but really though, anything over the 10psi you would need to think about some form of chargcooler.
  20. just use a K&N for any vw vr6 it will be 100% fine
  21. i would make sure you have oil going into the charger also mate, just undo the oil feed going to the charger a little bit, and start the car up, you should see oil coming out. karl
  22. brand new they sound like a 20 year old ford gearbox??? but give it about 2000 miles and it will get quiter
  23. who cares??? if we were all concered about MPG, this forum would not even be here. karl
  24. i bought my V1 second hand for £1500 with everyting needed, including a ready tapped sump, i even got the stage2 chip. went to stealth for them to re-map though. so i ended up paying £1950 for mine.
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