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Everything posted by rodney

  1. Well Wot do ya know. GSF are out of them as there is a shortage of 'em. They bought the last batch from Hella and they have been discontinued So if you find one buy it as they are now officially rare, which explains why I see them for £250 everywhere else. :S Wish me luck....
  2. I must admit I tend to agree, The head is a must!!!! As with all these things, if the cost isn't silly - when are you next gonna have the engine in enough bits to do the work with relative ease. If you have to do the lower bits later it will cost you more for a second visit - if you see what I mean - So do what you can whilst you can Im my mind; It's a peace of mind thing. They're done and that'll be another 100k of safe motoring. good luck either way
  3. I only raise this as I seem to remember somone was after one of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-Volkswagen-VR6-TURBO-KIT-Golf-Vento-Jetta-Corrado_W0QQitemZ110042996939QQihZ001QQcategoryZ9889QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem hope this helps whoever it was
  4. As you do; I was surfing looking for a good price on some bits and google'd the Hella Celius Angel eyes. (Winter is approaching and its a safety thing dear... :-p ) Well this link came up (I know who it is and usually you get shot for visiting them). However......... http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/AddedToBasket.asp?pcode=HEL213-811&cls=ROAD&result=Y Now I thought OK not too bad a price for that at all, followed the process through to see how much shipping would be (the usual catch) and it said to add £8 pounds on....That is a well good bargain for what is usually a £200+ set
  5. rodney

    My Mk2 Project

    Dude....How longs that all taken???? Cant wait to see the finished Item. Looking sweet to say the least. Well done keep goin
  6. I didnt see any vents to let any xtra heat out from the old spinny thing. Is it not needed??? Wot colour you gonna go for finally???
  7. Cararra Frames are OK and quite well balnced. But running gear cheaper to keep costs down I would suggest you fgo to an Independant or someone like evans and look at a specialized. These Frames are OK and the running gear and sussy bits are usually better quality. Also thee 2007 bikes are starting to come out early so there are bargins to be had on 06 spec bikes. I just bought Specialised XC FSR which is £1k bike 06 model for £400. so deals to be had across the ranges good luck
  8. there was another guy on here from USA asking the same questions last week. If you do a search you may be able to find him and see what progress he has made. If I find the thread I'll add it to this one.... Also find VW Performance Magazine in the States or its equiv. and they will give you pointers. EIP are a god name in the states Good luck and keep us up to date with your progress
  9. Sorry I should have added. Might seem full but remember to run it as you'll have to refil the filter too. So put in about 5 then give it a run for a 30 secs to pump it round & then give it chance to settle and then top up as requierd. (just for info' the usual cans are 4.5 litres that is not enough to run around on so make sure you have 2 cans)
  10. The book officially states 5.7 litres
  11. Sorry not sure about the USA. However It would be Worth finding a performance magazine in the States that deals with VW cars. there will be loads of reference sites for you there to start from. I think this is one www.performancevwmag.com call 1-877 363 1310 performance vw advert in uk mag We see lots of cars on various websites showing videos from America with tuned and turbo'd cars. Don't forget Corrado,Passats and some people carriers have the same engines so use them in your searches. I did come accros a company called flip side customs who seem to do work on customer cars and the site
  12. Will be good to see it run.
  13. Cool thanks! Thought I may have bin on to a good thing for a second you know special racing engine - one of 6 ever made and worth a million - Retirement here I come (ap) .... Hang on 2,8 V6 in a golf.... I am on to a good thing :-p
  14. I did do a quick search and couldn't find anything on the site so I thought I'd ask. I have seen over time when some people advertise their cars. They are Keen to offer the engine as a AAA type. I have seen this on my engine. Wot is it and does it mean anything? (Other than an engine number). Is it something I should know about? Be proud of or hide from the world in shame?????? Any one any Ideas??? Cheers
  15. Dude.......... (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Keep goin' Whats next? Wot You doin to the engine? WOT...Just too many questions
  16. Gmax are a popular cheap option. If you can spring :-p to £220 then go Koni kit - you get wot you pay for with these things - as always!!!!. just search on line for cheap deals that day. All easy to fit and adjust. Dont forget the set up costs after. (Cast/Camber and trackin bout 40-50 for the full blown set ups) Also check out the members section for the fitting guide. I got a good price from www.Larkspeed.com (Larkspeed) on the day Good luck
  17. Might also be a blockage if its coming out the tank. Does it kick more out when you rev it and then drop to a lower level as revs drop?? Might be worth popping a flush through and draining the system. Only problem is.... if the blocks hiding a leak...... Either way its something of the list Good luck
  18. There is a school of thought that the existing cams and parts will have worn in to its surroundings (comfy shoe and another foot doesn't fit) so change em all. There's also the If it aint broke.... All I can suggest is if you have the budget why not replace all associated gear. Gives you peace of mind for the next 100k miles. If the budget is limited then whilst the tops off check all those parts whilst you can get to them, and replace the bits that need it or tend to wear by 90-100k. Then run the new and old parts in well to let them bed in and give you the best chance of another 100k
  19. I had a ruddy great pear of beak type plyers. Oh and don't forget to take the top of your reservoir to make it easier Just watch it doesn't overflow so take your time or get a m8 to watch whilst you squeeze. If you can, check your disks whilst there & if doin disks at the same time might I suggest you put new bearings in as makes nicer job rather than pushing back over the old ones. (also bearings less than a tenner) Wishing you more luck than I had. I Started my discs and pads all round this weekend and My bolts have well and truly seized :@ (li) :@ so will be drilling and tapping t
  20. Very easy... Become a premium member and theres a "how too" guide for you, also threads talking about the offsets you can get away with before you pull the arches. Best tenner u'll spend M8 - Plus you get a sticker too and theres a thread currently going to help you find the best place for your sticker. Wot more can you ask for :-p
  21. Yup. Bin there! (Not a VR6) Only thing to add I changed my fuel filter again in 3 months for my own piece of mind, Don't think it is required but I felt better. Also ask for somthing you want :-p *-) . Do u have a Stage 3 turbo or supercharger/3rd or 4th car as a project???? Seen an R32 you fancy???
  22. Ladies and gents http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/K-N-57i-Induction-Kit-VW-GOLF-VR6-Mk3-2-8i-57-0073-1_W0QQitemZ290033515717QQihZ019QQcategoryZ36680QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Spotted this on Ebay and wondered if anyone had one and how it was for them (don't want a volume level too loud). I do recall reading another earlier thread and K&N came up as good because of their technical proficiency (correct particle levels etc etc....) So was wonderin' if the kit came with all the bits (heat sheild/pipes etc) and was Ok to fit N' all that.. before I throw me hard earned at it Cheers Rod
  23. LOL well I bought it hook line and sinker....... :$
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