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Posts posted by rodney

  1. yup as above.... It is a pig to get out...... you have to raise enough to clear the engine bay/leg down there... I would suggest a couple of mounts need undoing... it made life easier for the lift and not so much strain on them whilst you're workin on it..

    One extra point is give yourself as much acces as possible as they NEVER want to come out and be free.

  2. So... Mr & Mrs Mods... I had a thought... an addition to the wanted section?

    with the starter for ten on what people can offer nationally in the header/first post???? Give people a number of weeks to respond and then lock it... If it needs updateing then that is controlled by y'all????


  3. I work for a company called Fairfield Engineering Ltd. We are plant' date=' agricultural and civil engineers.

    As a company we can service, maintain, and repair machinery, and carry out any fabrication needed.

    Also, any 1 off's or small batches of fabricated metal work can be made at our workshop, including beams needed for buildings, hard facing, any sort of welding really!

    01730 827188


    Thats good to know for me....

    I/we manufacture and install UPS systems... http://www.euro-diesel.com/ big stuff.... so sometimes i need specialist skills like that... I assume you visit site and have ISO and assoiciated tickets etc

    As said......... maybe it could be in a specific section as a sticky or a Sub Section???


  4. I have seen this on a couple of other forums... but if we have a lead on something before it hits the market place or we need "a trade" - builders etc

    Then this is where members can post and offer their services (at members discounts rates) or linky to jobs - especially in todays market place

  5. LOL Nikon.... :D

    It kinda does... I'll read it again a couple of times... :D

    Now the lens thing is interesting.... I expect my old SLR lens not to have motors in them. But the body will/does... and the cheaper (more basic) DSLR to have the motor in the lens and not the body... So if that is/wouldbe the case then this would limt my selection of camera model would it not???

  6. Cheers....

    More detail please.....

    Just to clarify i have an Nikon F65 SLR (flim) camera already and want to utilise my 100, 300, 500mm lenses which is why i want to stay with Nikon... However I am aware that only certain bodies (new or Old????) have the motor function in the body rather than the lens so need to make sure the body has this function...

    So I like the idea of saving pennies and thus would be okay to go second hand.... BUT, which ones as the numbering systems dont seem to make sense and understanding which I can use and can't is a mine field... and how old they are etc..

    So in the Nokia range which bodies/lens combos??

    I want to make sure it is okay for an enthusiastic ammateur who keeps it in its' box and has to remember how to use it everytime it comes out to play. :D

    Also what do i actually need to worry about? The engineer in me thinks these are important but are they?

    Transfer speeds

    Clock speeds on the processors

    Battery life

    Takes the right cards that allow fast data transfer etc

    Screen sizes

    Pixel ratings/levels/issues

    Also I picked up somewhere that the lenses have a multiplier effect as standard for DSLR compared to old SLR. Is this true and what does that mean to me and my old lenses????? would a 300mm DSLR lens equate to a 500mm Film SLR lens for example????



  7. You are spot on the -Transporter is the way forwards... However, if you're starting up then this time I would do it the other way and find the deal to match your budget...

    Do not buy Iveco... they will kill you!!!!

    Do not buy Italian or French!!!! they will break.

    That leaves

    the old faithfuls... Vauxhall/Ford/Merc/VW

    If you can... now is a good time to approach a dealer and do a deal as they are looking for numbers to round the year off with... (if going new/nearly new). Different dealers at different levels so worth the time and effort... look out for their charts on the wall showing who's doing well and aim for the one not!

    Leasing is an option that way there are no surprises and big bills as warranty covers everyting but the basics... (Also depending how your business is running may be a better tax benefit).

    Vauxhall are doing good deals. We just kitted our engineers out with them (movano or somink).. not the best but they'll do...

    Merc (my mate) have just set up a nationwide package of van dealerships. SO are keen to do deals.

    Ford.. no idea on deals at the moment

    VW no idea on deals at the moment

    One final thought... as your milage is low. Dont be afraid of bigger engined high milers with a full history and if that is the case VW/Merc are the only way forwards remember 100k is nothing for a van! Again though not sure which benefits your tax setup the best..

    Good luck and keep the business going.. :D

  8. difficult to tell really mate... that said.... if you look at the very top photo you posted.... you can see that the element looks like it has broken.... could just be a trick of the light.....

    So no egg sucking here .... You are looking for the metal bit inside the glass to be completely intact...- one continuous strand. If there is a break in any way, shape or form....then... they're foobared mate..

  9. So I would like a considered opinion please from someone who knows...

    I am saving hard and was getting to the stage of buying a Digital SLR... (I have an old Nokia F65 and was staying with Nokia as I can then utilise the lenses again... (as long as I buy the right body)... plus I kinda like the old film thing of not knowing what you're gonna get until you open it...

    ANYWAY....... I have seen these new compact systems with interchangeable lenses... Marketing gimmck or are they any good?

    My usage is holidays/weddings and events/car racing (got a big lens for that)... so lets have your thoughts please - oh can you use other lenses or only specifics?



  10. I had a thought.... Something to treat myself or the missus to buy me....

    A complete professional car care service.... wash and polish :D

    Any ideas who is Local to me then???

    A website would be great... so I could look at prices and services... (for after winter of course :D )

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