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Posts posted by rodney

  1. I half agree oldman... :D

    there are only finite levels so yup we will have to make something synthetic... the issue is most of our synthetics are oil based :( or if they are nature based they tend to be in something living :(

    So i agree there is sufficient for the moment... (as long as the other big consumers understand the need to drop the 11mpg combined cycle guzzlers....).... however there is going to be a need for something and that need has a bigger picture with regards us expanding to cover this planet so quickly that we will run out of room at some point.... I often wonder if those scifi futuristic films are the way we are going... :S

    anyways is there still the chance of small multi cylinders like so....

  2. oh and there is a debate on at the moment rom electric manufacturers to make an artificial sound to make them safe in the city... I recall Lotus did something on tomorrows world once where you could feed the sound in through the car speakers relative to pedal position and speed etc so your fiesta sounded like a lambo...

    That may be worth finding and starting a petition on for the external sounds... :D

  3. So I was chatting and thinking......

    As we move forwards in life everything is getting smaller... just to clarify before someone logs on after a friday night beer.... Engine size ;D

    I am sure I am not the only one who (no matter what the car) has a new zoerst and a panel filter even on their run arounds as a minimum....

    So I noticed (for example) Ford are pushing there very small 1.2 litre 150BHP engines so you know it wont be long before the rest of the world follows...even Honda have to go turbo as emissions are to high on a VTEC :(

    ............ and to my point..... What 4 cylinder (or I suppose less if we watch Ford with their 3 cyl 1.2L) lump actually sounds okay???? - Not old school on ITBs but modern fuel injected cars???

    This is an important factor as it will make decissssions for all of us in the coming years on what makes the short lists....

    Your thoughts and if possible a link to a sound/video bite please???!!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!


  4. no we ALLL love it.... for me it brings back my childhood... watching them in Kielder from my mates bedroom window in the day and night..... SIGH!!!!!

    PS Hamish on the E38 world is at a stage to start his engine on his build... so catch up and be there for the grand starting....

  5. Yes I noticed that you had posted about your problem too Rod. With same responses lol

    And people think this forum can seem clicky lol

    what people are those then?!

    LOL... you gonna find 'em and deal with 'em H????

    LOL life's too short Rod ;) I'll get my minions to do it....

    when are you coming to another nwdubs meet?!

    Sooon want some rice and chicken... but may be the new year now... :(

  6. I would do it another way TBH....

    If I have 1k to spend log on ebay/PH/Autotrader etc and pop in your search criterias...

    You will be asounded what's out there... There are loadsa garages that specialise in this and of course there is always the auctions.....

    Not meaning to teach you to suck eggs.... then use your knowledge on what is a good car vs what is pants and limit your selection from there... For a winter hack you will be shocked at what is out there....

    Already gone I am afraid but there was a A4 quattro saloon with 50k and they wanted 1200... Was silver with leather/climate/cruise etc.... cant remember engine size... was some old blokes car.....on a garage forecourt aswell...

    Just takes time and now PH has their new search function for the classifieds it makes that easy aswell.. LOL


  7. yup i agree...

    the finance company own it which is why a bank loan is always a better option.. IMO

    That said... I guess they are unaware of the change of owner ..I would suggest... and thus there is a deal to be had if you contact them as they original chap may have defaulted by selling the car...???????

    So IF the car is all it can be then ask for the finance company details and have a chat.. ;)

    Deals to be had as they just want money and chances are as they have already made money on it,,, they will settle.. :D

    Rule 1: You dont ask you dont get!!!!

  8. i'd love to go charger.... but alot of people have done it..... i'd love to go turbo charged..... different!

    Different = ROTEX.... ;)

    oh and if you premium membership up... there are discounts and also guides on the chargers and associated topics and conversations... £10 for 15% off everywhere including your modified insurance LOL

    Trust us... you will never regret which everway you go... :D

  9. Zorsts.... I have a few... sing along now.... :D

    I have some very personal views on Zorts and some very personal experiences....

    I have said it before and I will say it again... LONGLIFE... it's the only way... :D Propper formed bends in the correct grade of steel. Tig welded.. silencers welded not folded and made to order with the tail pipe and sound/flow of your desire to meet your standard and non standard needs... Plus the same(-ish) price as an off the shelf. (obviously dependant upon what you spec...)

    The only thing I can add is it also has the best G in the business....

    I have had several and will go no where else... and no i am not on commission LOL


    worth a search on youtube for some sounds examples plus I have seen a very recent R32 one.... Luuuuurvly


    I spent 5 and found some his preferred install photes (Page 3 i think) and a couple of his vids...



    Njoy.... It has my name all over it...!!!!!! :D

  10. thanks all.. I agree with a lot of the comments...I am alergic to cats and dogs so cant do that... Otherwise I would have the biggest animal going to deal with them....

    What gets me is it is just in the middle of the garden... not even in a the flower beds... !!!!!!

    I did just catch the Fekkr today with the hose pipe,,, I dont think I would could kill tiddles but the missus is getting well miffed and looking at some options,,,,, trying to find an oversized mouse trap.. LOL I love the idea... LOL

    Are there any trapping limitations??? I could then leave all the tiddles near y'all instead :D (and trust me there are loadsa 'em

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