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Posts posted by rodney

  1. So folks,

    This year I am going to make my house jolly if I have to kick jolly -ness into them kicking an screaming... :) Ho Ho Ho!!!

    So lets talk music...

    I am going with christmas music all day!!!!

    So what should I include or what recomendations do you have yourselves???

    Lets Have 'em!!

    Many Thanks from Santas little helper :D

    EDIT... Linky if possible as I didnt know post 1 was the pogues... LOL

  2. Sooo I keep seeing turly nice cars and then..... Yup red leather.... How the hell do you get in to a car with red leather every day?? .. What would happen when you have a hangover?????

    Also why is it mainly the high end brands of cars?

    Does Money equal really bad taste? Is it just me am I wrong? (I know it's alowed - for me to be wrong... ;) )


  3. I go for a slightly different approach here folks... I give it a damned good clean... then that's it.... for the month..

    Once a month the hose comes out and all is cleaned/polished again... As you have to squidgeee/scrape the windows and lights every morning they're always clean...

    It just isnt worth the effort... Mine actually gets dirtier on the motorway than on side roads... I have often thought about a rear wiper delete but I couldn't see anything one time when it broke so that 'aint gonna happen... LOL

    Then when March Hits... There is the "Special weekend"... every item in the cleaning toolbox comes out... Engine/Exhaust/Inner arches/inner wheels/all nooks and toothbrush holes are attacked with vigor...

    I always like being able to see the aerodynamics in action with the swirl and water run off lines in the winter.. (Plus the headlamp washer supports this... Sad I know but Hey!

  4. Right I know the guy didnt do it deliberatly.... & I am fine HOWEVER!!!!!!!"

    I was in a car park walkng to my car and some numpty in his car stopped to take my space as I left... Now the way he stopped alerted me... He stopped exactly where I needed to cross the capark area to get to my car... right in front of the car... I stopped looked at him and he stared at me...

    So i think okay safest way... and i remember thinking this... is to go behind him but leave space he's an idiot...

    One step in and C$$T as he is now known slams it in reverse and doesnt stop... I jumped and slamed the side of his car with a few words of my intent and then the window comes down and Sorry shouted and off he F$$ks........

    Yes I'm fine you C$$T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I knew he wasn't thinking and looking I could tell...

    The Moral... Despite making alowances for the drivers. They still do the wrong thing!Always keep yourself in their eye sight and tell the public what You're doing... This applies on All areas of cars... Motorways/Pavements/anywhere they can get to really...

    I hate the generalpublic!!!


  5. Hi Y'all,

    So I would like to hear other peoples opinions on winter tyres... Now I know this has been touched on before. So here are a couple of facts to get us going.

    They improve traction and breaking in wet and snow type conditions from around 5-7 Degrees and below!

    This is a given... So lets discuss..

    Are they worth fitting in the UK and is that a North, South, East or West thing?

    Is it only worth doing if you do milage vs the school run?

    Is it worth getting different wheels and tyre package or just fitting tyres?

    Should the tyres be narrower? Is there a rule for the sizing etc?

    What is the right time of year to actually fit them?

    How long do you leave them on?

    Where to buy them and who makes a good brand (not just cheap-est)?

    So anything else you have to offer please...

    I ask as I am seriously considering it this year as there seems to have been progress made in design.. I drove abroad on winter tyres and you can feel the difference.. how can it be law 25 miles south of the coast and not here to fit them?

    I also think from general concensus that this year is expeted to be a cold one and therefore may have more benefit.

    Also and I suppose finally any downsides or concerns about them...?


    See linky for the AutoExpress 2012 tests.. LHS side panel for indivdual results and conslusions


    Thanks all in advance


  6. So,

    We are at the stage where a first car is needed.. 21 years old and a boy! Yup that's the whole insurance for less than 3 grand out the window then...

    But it got me thinking...

    I have friends who do this today and am aware that the start for a lot of these new car deals are 21years old... Anyone have any experience of these kinda deals that include insurance etc etc etc...at all?

    I know the French & Italian Companies do deals and this may be an option against the £500 1.0 saxo that'll have 100k miles on it and will be worth something above the insurance value... LOL... that doesnt need to be repaired every day... although I do like aspects of needing to maintain it etc....

    Anyway If anyone has experience of these deals or has a better idea on what car to buy to beat the inusrance issues then please let me know



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