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Everything posted by rodney

  1. There is a suprising level of engineering in springs and shocks... The diameter of metal and coil, with the number of coils and the type of coils....close together vs far apart vs combinations... if you chop a lump out then it no longer reacts the same way. length of metal and disipation of forces etc etc. So yes you can do it but then the coils will not react the same way. Making it to soft or to hard or not fast enough in reaction etc etc It is not dangerous in the basic sense of the word. BUT remember that they dont just stop the wheel bouncing. they also affect breaking distance and la
  2. In situ..... Are/were all your pipes kink free????
  3. Quick....... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oAgCgBLtuMQ&feature=related http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zG78mXvQHII&NR=1
  4. Well we were caught out last night....... I was on my way home outta London. I know it was wet from the trip in... if you see what I mean. I had witnesseed the water coming over from the other carrage way. So i decided I would head home in plenty of time after a quick trip to the ACE Cafe. Plodding along and before you know it I am thinking that rain looks like snow on my windscreen and then litterally as I pop out from under a bridge..... Whhhhooooommmmmpppppfffffffff It aint arf snowin' Cars and bikes abandoned on the hard sholder. the lanes were all under snow and I am captain of the
  5. Ok so I must admit I cant remember off the top of my head for the rear antisqueel ... anyone else??? If doing the rear discs as well then may be do the bearings at the same time. All accessable at the same time when you take the disc off the back. makes sense really, but not essntial! All parts are fine to refit. If it worries you then replace them. After all you have to drive it not us! GSF dont do a kit as such but you can buy the discs and pads for it all seperately. Fitting is very straight forwards just remember to take the top off your resevoir and drain a little fluid if needed.
  6. It could be and does sound about right... for the engine mount.... otherwise I would have thought that the work you did was the solution. Only one way to have a look at those mounts though.. The other thing of course is it could be your wallet under hard acceleration as it thinks of the fuel......
  7. I was going to say soemthing didnt sound right. You ned to always have at least 3 threads above a nut to ensure it is fixed securely. So that'll be coming off again then..... good luck
  8. YOU LUCKY SOD!!!!!!! If you see the policeman going backwards in your charged VR...... they just invite their mates to the party .... They dont like being left..... AT ALL.... it upsets them somewhat....
  9. Nice.... you thinking of making an offer?
  10. you dont always need a special one. what stage and brand of charger are you running? Otherwse usual suspects... VF/ROTEX etc.... Regal/NSracing Are you after jus altering the compression rathings??
  11. Not meaning to teach youto suck eggs or infer you are driving badly.... if your brakes are hot and you apply the brakes again the contrast in heat can do it. It was a common problem on old Novas. Basically what you needed to do was once you stop. take your foot off the brake pedal. This gives enough time for the environment in the brakes to sort them selves out. I dont mean to say you are not braking correctly. It happens when you go around a track for example. they get hot and whilst the rest cools down your foot on the brake means that section particular remains at a higher temperature
  12. rodney

    ACE Cafe

    oh and I must say the mk2 20vT was rather tasty....
  13. rodney

    ACE Cafe

    i saw the car but didnt see the sticker.... I was sat by the doors having me brew whilst one man and his stereo was shaking the glasses behind the bar.... Might see you there another time....
  14. rodney

    ACE Cafe

    purple car parked inside ?
  15. rodney

    ACE Cafe

    I went... It was my first time... :$ Any way I recently met some local dubbers and got an invite so went along for a couple of hours and it wasnt bad at all. The dubbers were cool and whilst there i did see a VR6OC stiker or 2. I came out after the required brew and you had left. Anyone on here? Also just for info. I understand it is VAG night the last tuesday of every month
  16. Lewis only has to finish one place behind massa forthe next 3 races and his title.....
  17. Graggsy.... I do that... With the is there anything that catches my eye on the first page.... Oh and they do have nice picture threads on the various car designations
  18. rodney

    mk6 GTi

  19. Sparkz Man............ LOL Who knew you had a mind to speak..... Well done mate. As I am sure we all agree. WE ALL spend time and effort and work hard ensuring we are 100% legal.
  20. someone has voted for it tho'. (5th that is). Come on you cant vote for it and not say why. Come outta the closet!!!!! We wont take the P. Just fess up so we know who you are and that you are called Jane or marion, on the weekend....
  21. Once you have the top ones off. if you pull back on the grill NOT TOO HARD !!!!!! you can see where they are and then you can get he idea of what you are trying to pop up. If you keep a little ressure on them by pulling once you unlock they just pop back with you.... Apain until you know how then a peace of P mate... Just remembert the onse under the headlights. Also when refitting. Make sure they go back in!!!!!
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