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Everything posted by rodney

  1. I have a 13bar on my charged and it will sit at the 85-90 mark. If I am really having a go on older oil then it will creep up to 98. Had 100 once.... rest of the time it just sits there motorway or traffic alike
  2. Well this is the first image I have seen of it.. http://cars.uk.msn.com/News/car_news_article.aspx?cp-documentid=8853573
  3. Whist I didnt quite beat them I gave them the shock of their lives... My standard "looking" car had a wee traffic light run at at an old 968 Turbo and then a Farrari 575 both had a young looking dude in it who tried to get from 3 lanes into 2 in front of me... That was a giggle..... I tend not to bother as I am now old and dont break the law anymore as my points wont take it! However, it is a giggle to let a "bigger and better" car know he isnt as big as he thinks he is every so often. I dont mind losing by that kinda margin - it is worth it for the look on their faces and the repeated head
  4. what did you uise on the plastics to go black????
  5. In the premium members site theres a link for each of the insurance companies and the discount levels you should expect with codes etc etc
  6. I blame 1st day back at work and the dyslexia.. As long as you can keep it solid (not moving) it is easy to do and outta the engine all the way. I'm sure you know this but worth a mention.... Just remember to give it a few mins on start up for everything to re-pressurise - oil feeds in particular... Good luck..
  7. DDDDDdOhhhhh Bit of a blonde moment there...... For some reason I didn't think you were trying to do that... :$ Please accept my appologies.... +o( In which case.... Do you have a good working area/vice? If not you will be very tight to get anything of good enough leverage if you in leave on the car. Sometimes you do need to use a puller. You may find that the factory also used an impact spanner to ensure it is in place and yes whist i have read some will just pop off a puller is a good option as a stand by... I will now go hang my head in shame.... 8-)
  8. http://images.europeancarweb.com/projectcars/0406ec_projcor07_s.jpg Here you go. You can see the adjuster from the dark side.... this is where you want to get to... http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.europeancarweb.com/projectcars/0406ec_projcor12_s.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.europeancarweb.com/projectcars/0406ec_volkswagen_corrado_supercharger/index.html&h=113&w=150&sz=6&hl=en&start=6&um=1&tbnid=pdZYN0NEfh7BuM:&tbnh=72&tbnw=96&prev=/images%3Fq%3DVR6%2Bvf9%2Bsupercharger%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN I hope this helps a little
  9. Oh one final point. Check where you are lined up on the belt before you remve it. By that I mean front to back accross the pulleys from the top of the engine to the bottom. You need to ensure the belt hangs straight (top to bottom of the engine - with gravity) once installed, rather than having a bend/twist on it on the vertical plane. otherwise you will shred it in no time!
  10. It's raining so cant take a picture at the moment I am afraid, So I will try with just words.... Assuming you have the same model as me Stage 2 VF9 .... As a reference point on the Top right of the charger you have the oil pipe as you face the engine from the front of the car. You can see the Adjusting bolt for the tension to the right.... Then directly below that there is the another mounting bolt. Both on the right hand side aspect of the plate. This basically is what mounts it on to the side of the engine.... Look down to the pulley. There is a very very small gap which you see a
  11. Ok so Piece of cake.... I know this sounds daft but when you look at the charger set up it is exactly how you think you'd do it! I would advise the time taken to pop the headlight out and Grill is worth while. It is not essential by any means It just means you can get in and fiddle better. You can either take the charger off or the Air pipes off. You have to losen the adjustment on Charger for belt removal anyway ( 2 Bolts )....... If you are happy then just simply pop off and replace the belt and re-tighten -To remove the belt pop over a non ridged pulley first. You shoud be able to do
  12. you only wheel spin if you drop the clutch. the rest of the time it is like driving in the snow/wet. you use your progressive right foot..... remember up to 10% wheelspin for maximum get away .... according to F1 type people.... Once you figure it out you will be surprised how often you don't wheelspin....
  13. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?237575.0#post_238034 richies selling one....
  14. rodney


    Do both !!!!! though chose your cams wisely....
  15. pretty much what they said.... If your doing an engine rebuild it will cost you (If it aint broke dont fix it.....) Charger wise if you can spare a tenner join up as a premium member and there are quite a few threads on what to do and look out for. In summary you only need to do the, engine mounts and the remap. If you want reliability you need to upgrade the CAT as heat will kill it and also do the oil cooler. Temperature is the killer on charged engines The engine, gearbox and clutch are all capable of handling the power of a stage 2 with comfort. As said you will be surprised how often y
  16. I am starting to see more and more Eaton Chargers on the old 6 lump.. what do we know about them and how do we rate them???? (link fixed)
  17. sorry just read that. It seems a little curt! didn't mean to be
  18. poat it up on e38 as well...
  19. rumour has it the Rocco is to be the new face of VW.... Here's a peek. Looks like it could be true....
  20. mate you are a premium member have a look in the Forums and garage and engine tuning section. there are a few install threads there for you to go through covering all aspects. The engine should not be removed and you can fit the charger in a day (6-8 hours) Bumper/grill off is essential for speed but dont remove the slam panel above (just loosen)... good luck fitting it ...
  21. sorry what are the differences???? anyone interestd in a stealth charged more door in Red????
  22. is the running gear etc all the same for the 4mo and the R32???? what is the difference??? I think I may have just been inspired.........
  23. There are a few others linked off the search but it defo sounds reet nice like... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DVS3CI-9C4E&NR=1
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