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Posts posted by rodney

  1. Now I think this may come more into play next year......

    BUT on a day like today (and I trust the weekend will be the same weather wise)

    I really need to be able to sit in a beer garden and sup a couple... So may I suggest a

    "whose up for a beer in the garden" thread?

    I would suggest that a simple... I am heading to this pub in the sun please be there kinda thing...

    If I gotta drive then I can detour... If not pick me up buuuuddddiiiieeeeee (Hugs n kisses xxx)


    Anyways I'm off to grab somink cold from the fridge to tide me over...

    PS. everyone should tick the be notified thread and if you wanna do it then Lunch time latest so we have time to get a pass/ have an issue with the car on the way home.. PS... I travel LOADS.. So nationwide on schoolnites please (B) (h)

  2. Anything is possible... I would assume the need for more of an Eton sit on top style would be needed for the second unit... plus a bonet buldge of epic proportions

    pulleys gonna be your issue mate... not the air of a tubi...

  3. So technically the Fly wheel does nothing to your BHP... It allows your rev's to move at a higher frequency... Less mass to move. What it removes is the ability for your engine to deal with impacts and stability..

    That means if your find a small incline or affect on the engine the revs drop faster as there is no mass in the rotational forces... thus any "impacts" are transferred directly to your crank rather thean absorbed by your flywheel mass... In simplistic terms..

    Hope it helps

  4. Caterham super 7. Bully most supercars.

    Surely there's more A's & B's before we get into C's???

    C Link pornicopia then...???

    so is Lotus 7 seperate when we get there?... and how can it be that scary??? I ask ya' It was all straight... LOL

    PS watch MUM and Tom after... a good example for all kids... LOL

  5. I printed some off and not seen anyone yet... I will post as soon as I do though :D

    An after thought for the team... do you wanna say join for free discounts for a tenner? or the likes... it kinda (not totally) reads (to me)... a tenner to log on... any ways just a thought to aid in the discussion...

    PS well done and great effort ;)

  6. Good point there Bungy. Available world wide and the size of your man parts will come in to play on some of those... LOL

    My father (& his mates) have worked everywhere from jungle/desert/frozen wastelands to the middle of various oceans)

    One VERY important note... It can affect your relationships if everyone is not 110% in to you vanishing for weeks on end... you travel on your own time and cannot be in the UK for more than a certain number of days etc etc etc ... tax status dependant of course..

  7. Now I reeeeeaaaallllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy like some of the sounds we get from modern cars... However... Is the older car sound better then the newer ones? Not only because everything is 4 cylinders today but I feel that there was so much development in the old days that sounds like this....

    (PS watch all the way through for the in car experience)

    will become a thing of the past... as everything is controlled by the men in white coats with HiViz jackets on..


  8. Sooooo... Step one decide what trade you want... Once you have that down then you can start by chatting to the agencies that supply staff..

    You will need special certification in certain trades some of which is sponsored only (like the railways) and some of which you can do off your own cheque book..

    You will have to do the survival courses. No options on that and if you google you will find the places that do those courses... then keep them in date of course.

    It is a very closed shop so you need to persevier. My old boy used to do it and my younger brother has just started as a roustabout... It took him 5 years hard graft to get off shore...

    It 'aint easy and becasue it can be lucrative (trade dependant) nothing is "advertised"... find out which companies supply what and chat to them...

    As I said decide what you want firstly otherwise they wont waste their time on you...

    As an aside worth popping into a trade show or two or even the recruitment drive things up in Aberdeen as a research visit..

    Good luck.

  9. AS you do I was on line playing on you tube and stumbled on some older cars and it got me thinking... What's your pleasure...

    By that I mean if you could what (other than the obvious) tickles your fancy...

    I recently re-discovered these... feel free to post... and if possible add a linky to a picture or vid so those that don't know can see what that is...

    Alfa SZ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2yd4pE65bc&feature=related

    Alfa GTV6

    Tipo 33

    (was street legal as well you know... and used by Mr. Newman in LeMans film...)

    Austin Healey

    I will add more as I progress through the alphabet... in fact feel free to add to A before we join B..

    I love the idea of being able to select a car a day for every day of the year...for the same money as ... I dunno... the latest HyperCar Aston... Why wouldnt you???

  10. Well DonkeysMonkey.... It is a good problem to have... I will add to it only by staying my VF stage 2 never missed a beat when I had it and put a smile on my face every time I drove it. The issues I did have were more about learning what to do to get it working correctly initially. Once I fixed those then it was as good as gold.

    "IF" you want a plug and play and dont want to do to much additional work and a quality product and reliability, then It was the best way forwards for me at any rate.

    VF state 250BHP minimum... so your engine state and the exhaust you fit etc. will dictate how close to the 300BHP you actually get. I did a build thread so please learn from that and the only Piece of advice I will give is buy extra belts at day one so you have them "if" needed.

    I still miss it... faster than my R32 that's for sure...

  11. Well, it sounds like the other car was only stage 1 from your discription. How much BHP are you looking for?....and what feel are you after?

    VFStage 2 (250BHP minimum) and above is noticeable and the general theory is it is more progressive.

    If you want that all hell breaks loose feeling then you're going to go for the Rotex. A higher stage VF or the Turbo option and looking for the 300BHP mark and above as a minimum.

    All options can achieve that and all options do it a differing way.

    Yes the Rotex is a special piece of kit and not a bolt on option in the sense of the VF kits. You will have to make it yourself much more, and people can tell you how on here... Did you search the site for Rotex build thread?

    A loada people go Turbo because it can be done a lot simpler... Vince at Stealth offers an "off the shelf" option for you. Simply drop off and pick up (or fit yourself). That'll give a good figure and great reliability.

    May I respectfully suggest you decide on what you want then decide how to get to it... Follow the crowds or get on that pioneering trail :D

    (Plus of course how much engine rebuild and money you want to pour in to it LOL )....

    If you find the Rotex build thread it may tell you what numbers he got to... Otherwise send a PM.

    Good luck which everway you go and keep us updated on your progress and build ;)

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