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Everything posted by rodney

  1. I get as low as 18-22mpg in town and 34mpg on the motorway.
  2. I note you have a 6 branch, Is it wrapped or the likes????? If the engine bay temp gets too high then you will start evaporating the fuel before you get to ignite it. The coasting lap allows temps to drop enough then all will work ok. The issue may be your under bonet temps with all those heat sources. Run a lap or 4 with the engine lid off and see if that cures it. Also is your air filter sectioned off from your heat sources?? Hope they help
  3. Well, assuming you have checked all the basics. Spark is good, dissy cap not cracked etc. Plugs and cables all fine. Fuel filters and pump working and clean and not contaminated then... .....this does sound like a fault I had on an old carberettor car.. The condensor had died. So if we follow the same train of thought then this would indicate that either the sensor/cable or the ecu were at fault. have you got someone local who can plug and play with you to see if the fault transfers with the ecu module??? Are you going to any meets soon???? I hope these help a litle
  4. Snap........ I assumed that I had 3 door hangers and needed to0 swap 'em. But must confess I have not looked much beyond that.... Am I wrong????????
  5. if you can bear with me a day or so I may be able to let you have one. I'm waiting for a call back........
  6. Well just a note to add that things are running great. The teething problems have been overcome and the car runs as sweet as a nut. I must confess that this is the best mod I have ever had. It is worth its weight in car to see the faces on those who think a 10 year old car shouldn't go that fast. The charger really does benefit from being run in for a longer period. I will be adding the extra oil cooler to keep the engine oil temp down to where it should be as on those hot days when playing with the right foot it can be up at 100 deg very quickly. Whilst that is not an issue I feel it w
  7. OK Phat VR6 The aim to get more power and torque is to remove the things that stop the flow. So remove it all :-p The main areas on the golf are that huge thing that looks more like a place to hide the kidnap victim and the CAT. So you can chose to have a decat 2 box system which will improve things a great deal. But the volume will increase and has been known to attract attention of the officers! If you are serious about getting the best BHP and Torque numbers then speak to a chap and get one made to measure. Similar cost you will be surprised. Mine was £350 for a 3 box system with
  8. No such thing as a daft question when you dont now the answer you can start stage one and build. All the stages like 2 are additions to stage 1 improvements. so you need stage 1 to get to stage 2. That said you can buy a stage 2 kit to fit and it will have all the parts you need. There are a couple of threads on here about the options availale. Worth a read to help educate and get you thinking about what you want! you can get t them off the main Frums and members sections
  9. also check your MAF is connected correctly and not letting water in to the connections
  10. As you'll do an oil change at the same time..... Do the tap then change the oil........
  11. some main areas to look at. Do you have the air flow route in sealed up correctly against the charger?? Is it MAF??? If so check that &/or Lambda. What temperatures do the oil and water get to?? looking at premature detonation due to heat. Hope that helps
  12. There are some other threads on this but I'll summerise. I am sure others will comment and I hope it helps The basic design concept of the standard mani is not bad as VW could not use the same mani as in other cars. The engineers did a good job making it fit in the available space. The manifold has its place. you will get more power but the level of which is totally dependant upon the rest of the exhaust system/mods you are using. If you go all the way up to 2.5" all through (limit on the up & over rear axle) then you will get better fuel on a run and worse on a local. The power wil
  13. Same with all "Performance Manifolds". As they are made of stainless - they so don't flex like traditional mild steel ones! So you have two options. Fabricate a flex joint into your exhaust system or uprate engine mounts ! There are a couple of threads on this in the members sections to help you select the correct ones for your needs Raceland manifolds are not bad quality at all and there are many guys who have been running them with chargers/turbos for sustained periods are ok for them! Don't forget your heat wrap, steel tie-wraps and new bolts/gasket set.
  14. Some great comments for you there. I would like to add one thing which I hope helps. You have to look at your market. Whilst that sounds obvious....An old boy who wants one is not going to buy one at top whack if it has Piston Heads all over it (associated with driven hard and fast) and all the mods stated. Adverts with full history owners club and tasteful mods are much more appealing. We all want the one careful lady owner after all. if you make it sound like a bargin and all the obvious stuff has been done and they should have years of trouble free motoring -- all of a sudden many mo
  15. yup they do have a standard oil cooler which is ok... If you want to chill them a litlle more I'm sure stealth or the phirm do one fitted for £120... But the boys will confirm for me
  16. is it like....... one of those modern green cars???? I've seen the radios where you wind 'em up for 10 mins and then it'll play. Is this electric car the same concept??? Where's the handle kept??? Looks tidy m8 and a definate contender for a transplant !!
  17. battery is a little low but I would expect some noise. Does it bump off?? If no then check starter then imobiliser or key barrell must be a looker"! Once started check you are charging your battery corerectly looking for a good 13v. you may be lucky and just have a duff battery good luck
  18. rodney


    if you are interested in something a little different then Longlife! made to measure and life time G with no service visits. I got one and am well happy. Costs are similar and you get to tweek the spec on volume performace tail pipe design etc etc! http://www.longlife.co.uk/
  19. Might I suggest a water pump to. The charger tension on the pulleys kills bearings so change 'em whilst you can. I went throgh the same pain and now all is worth the effort! keep the faith!
  20. dwibble wibble bibble droooool. I do think that coverfs it and I also agree Charge it........ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Well simple tests on the coil pack/leads.. Pop plugs off one at a time an see if engine tone alters on each one...... (remember to protect yourself) If tone alters and runs more ruff and revs drop then that one is ok. No change then you have issue. If all 6 are ok then Not that The other main things that could cause the ruff running (dependant upon your set up) Lambda blown in CAT, Cracked maifold..... There are of course other things that can cause ruff running, MAF, Air Inlet pipes come loose/off etc Start with things you think and work from there good luck
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