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Everything posted by rodney

  1. Mines going on this weekend and remap on 29th. I am Squeeling with excitement ... :)
  2. TBH as long as it's CAT 1 all is good I went for Toad Ai606. It has full closure options should you wish. Shop around locally for the best price. Expect £350 - £400 fitted. (London price)
  3. Firstly I haven't fitted one and I am asking Sparkz to help me out there...Top bloke that he is..... As I understand it the front comes off to make life easier and you only need top access... But, again, I haven't fitted one! The reasons for leaving in the old injectors are two fold. You need to run the charger in first. 250 or 500 miles at 2.5k revs depending upon which document you read. The original injectors means that the car runs as normal until you get the remap. The larger injectors need remapping to work correctly. The remap also is fairly intense on the car so it is best to d
  4. Maaaan I had to wait ages for this to down load as I was doin' it remotely and I must say How sexy??? Nothing like new stuff. I've said it before and I'll say it again I am really lookig forwards to seeing it alive and kickin!
  5. PVW had a thing in last/this month... Haven't read it yet but it tells you one that does fit in there Sent by PDA
  6. OK so take this as gospel. I can't tell where I got it from... All Supermarkets buy fuel from all manufacturers and basically phone around and stock up on the best deal of the day.... So it is all big brand stuff. Better to get 10% of lots than 50% of not so much..Mr. Manufacturer The batch from an un-named manufacturer is tainted.. Trust Me! Morrissons and Tesco have the batch and MOST of it is SE UK. You have 2 options drain and replace or add High octaine asap to the mix to help. I would personally drain as per manufacturer instructions... When discovered - It was Origionally thought of
  7. Ok So I got my Exhaust done and I am very happy. See links http://www.longlife.co.uk/street/home.default.flashyes.aspx http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?160510
  8. Well here's my 2p worth. Chains/guides/cluch & top end for me (tappets)! - sleves and rings are a thought! I have had the odd head and exchange in my day.... It comes down to confidence in the process. If you have confidence in the exchange engine then this is a much quicker fix. Recon engines come with warranties and are good for 50k without blinking. Head work; well - you then get the option to change/upgrade parts yourself. Build it well and it's good for miles aswell. It is important to understand EXACTLY what work has been done. Skims where & How. Also how much by. Any o
  9. Do you have full clutch pedal motion?? Can you feel a bite point??? Do any gears engage??? Does the gear lever go into any of the gear positions (don't forget reverse)??? Does it try and stay in gear if you get it in gear and is it difficult to pull out or try and jump out???? Do you get any noises when in Neutral also place preasure on the lever to engage withoput dipping the cluch (don't actually engage the gear tho' and any of the gears)??? This will help us establish if you have shreaded a gear, have drive/halfshaft issues, Thrust bearings etc etc..
  10. Neome Lenoir, Hally Berry & Tyra Banks... To name but a few... Also think Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's was stunning.... There are meany wonderful looking ladies out there I just have never managed to speak to them and find out if they have a brain... [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1172342508_4100_FT161079_noemie_lenoir6.jpg][/lightbox] [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1172342508_4100_FT161079_tyra_banks_87.jpg][/lightbox] Come on ladies who is the male eye candy for you??? Please dont dissapoint me with Brad..
  11. Funnily enough this happened to me over the last week. When I opened the bonnet with a cold engine. I couldnt see anything. Then Opened it as I was showing of me new bits and there it was.... All Purple and raised... It was rasied a lot more I just pushed it down to make it fit the picture My pot was a tad full so have removed some fluid from it and it is still UP! It Looks a little clean Is there meant to be something on the top of this then? Got a picture anyone? [lightbox=../../e107_files/public/1172325989_4100_FT161019_dsc00060.jpg][/lightbox]
  12. you guys such good taste in cars..... Women seems debate-able No thanks I think I'll pass on the Welsh Belter
  13. I will pop mine off tomorrow and let you know which I have as I can't remember of the top of my head... so you can search like for like
  14. This has possabilites.... LOL
  15. what type of engineer? I'm looking Also
  16. I can't be the only one here who hates their job and working for a living... So following another special week at the office.... heres the question:- What would you rather be or doing? I go two ways :$ Living on a large boat following or studying Aquatic life whilst helping to save the world...Kinda thing - U know blue waters, sun, zero stress and or dealines etc etc (Sigh) Or Involved in Motorsport... I am sure there are other ideas just they seem appealing today! What about you lot? :-d
  17. One final thing to add. It will smoke once fitted for a time. How long depends on if you just wrap or paint etc..... Shouldn't catch fire just can be a bit of a surprise when first fitted...
  18. Cheers and Yup I am... Well I know it's not like for like but here's an example of a system or 2 (backboxes) of ebay. (there must be cheaper options....I am sure) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mongoose-Exhaust-MK3-VW-Golf-GTi-8v-16v-VR6_W0QQitemZ290080572552QQihZ019QQcategoryZ38786QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-Golf-GTi-mk-3-16v-VR6-Magnex-exhaust-system-XSVWG4-D_W0QQitemZ8069349339QQihZ019QQcategoryZ38786QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FITS-GOLF-EXHAUST-MK3-2-0-GTI-8V-16V-VR6-MAGNEX-NEW_W0QQitemZ230093163126QQihZ013QQcategoryZ38786QQssPageNa
  19. NS racing or Regal. But speak to them both as web prices are high as Dollar is strong in our favour...at the Mo
  20. Well I went S/c. see the FAQ link on here for the charger... Others will advise you on schrick etc....
  21. AhhhhAAAA found it. this worked for me..... http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?156697.0
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