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Everything posted by sharky_70

  1. just read the info on that page again and it says for use with the ATO mani, so if its fitted like in their pic then the turbo wouldnt foul the fluid pot and should be out of the way of the TB if used with the original inlet mani? or am i looking at it all wrong?!
  2. so the turbo is fitted upside down? can the turbo not be clocked to compensate this, so the outlet goes over the top? could always re position the MAF, filter etc so its on the other side. been planning to chuck the battery in the boot and junk the header and washer anyway
  3. cool, ok. well for what i want to achieve at this stage i may even start with a lhd item as a templete and get it modified to suit cheers for all the advice and info. i'll def look through your DIY again, mustve been a few bits i missed 1st time around
  4. cool i see EXACTLY what you mean now! about the fluid pot and the inlet mani. ok, on to sourcing a reliable SPA item then... so, what about the downpipe? what is it about the lhd type that doesnt fit? where does it foul etc?
  5. yeah prob best bet. seen so many over here and in EU for less than £200 and it does make you think about how good they can be for the money ok, so onto the next bit of my initial Q...! what is it that the LHD downpipe fouls on? steering rack or something? can it not be chopped and rewelded to fix?
  6. down to cost i guess. and also want to try and keep the install looking as minimal as possible. as an ends to this i guess the SPA or kinetics mani would be a good option also as the turbo would be nicely out of the way. ive just spent some time looking through a few more builds and i can kind of work out what you mean about the ATP now. the turbo comes directly off the back of it so the intake would sit a lot higher also, where as the SPA etc is slung more below so obv the intake will also be lower. ok getting a bit further with it in my head now! starting to make more sense of it. so what p
  7. ok, in the 1st bit when you say intake you mean from filter to turbo? so filter, MAF housing and intake pipe. well i was going to try and duplicate as much of the Kinetic st.3 kits as possible which afaik uses the 3" MAF housing and intake. with regards to your 2nd bit are you still refering to the intake or the inlet mani? so if i use the ATP turbo mani i have to go SRI? if i was to use a lhd mani from the US would it be just a case of getting a custom DP made up? really dont wanna go SRI if i can help it
  8. well i was reading through a few old threads and mags last night and i found a few where guys were using ATP manifolds but from what i could see hadnt relocated the reservoir and one definately wasnt using a short runner. im not suggesting that any of you guys are wrong, as youve carried out the conversion and i havent. i knew that i'd need to have a DP made up but i just want to know what the LH one actually fouls on and why it doesnt work. thanks
  9. ok so whats the actual difference between LH and RH mani's and downpipes? ive been looking at loads of US/EU and UK bays for comparison. i know on the uk cars the servo/MC etc is on the driver side so the intake could foul it, but i dont understand how the mani and downpipe can interfere as theyre on the other side tell me im crackers
  10. ok so ive just read this http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?244883 which answers half of the above so, apart from either a) running the spa mani and taking every precaution you can for it not to crack, which would be??? run the atp and do a remote resevoir
  11. so what solution are people running? ive read a lot about the rhd spa item not actually being spa and cracking, and that the one to go for is atp but they dont do rhd?
  12. believe me ive read through it a few times! very frustrated as i back out of buying a rhd mani off here a few months back
  13. hi guys now i know that a rhd turbo kits form th EU or US wont work straight on a UK car, but what are the specific problems? i know that i can pretty much use an entire off the shelf kit bar the mani and downpipe, but can these be modified to fit a RHD car? thanks
  14. quite a few people meet up for this every month. http://www.edition38.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82475
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