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Everything posted by linerdc

  1. Try looking on bahnbrenner.com - they sell brand new o2s gearbox's with six gears e.t.c you can get as many options as you want with regards to clutch, flywheel, l.s.d's e.t.c. Its like Toys R Us for VR6 owners!!!
  2. Hiya You just need to adjust your linkage If you look under the bonnet, you will see two cables for the linkage. The left one controls the throw from left to right on your gear nob - you can adjust it yourself. If you pull the L shape lever up and down that resembles left to right on your gear nob, i suspect when you go left on your gear nob that the actual lever under the bonnet isn't going down far enough? To remedy this you need to adjust the black piece of plastic attached to the left cable, unbolt it and angle it so you know it will push the L shape lever down further when you move your g
  3. Hello After many many hours scratching my head as to how to remove a threaded nut from my gear linckage (engine bay end-the bit underneath the reverse light sensor) i managed to get it out (after chopping the metal housing to get mole grips in) in the hope a new bolt would nip it up and i could use my gears again. Things are never that simple!!! After removing the threaded bolt i find the linckage lever is attached to the box with splines and they are all wrecked. I can select all gears manually by levering the balance weight so it grips the bar that comes out of the box. but obviously i need
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