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dale p

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Posts posted by dale p

  1. yes sprayed load on already going to wack some more on in bit too,worst thing is,replaced clutch just about 200mile before taking off the road and the box has been completely rebuilt 12 mths prior,i was just wondering if could be b&m thats caused the prob where box hasnt had much movement

  2. right cars been off rd for 2 yrs just being started up in that time ect,


    ive had few earthing probs which looks like have got to bottom of but took car out for 1st time down my rd and tried to select reverse but nothing then seems stuck in 1st solid now bearing in mind ive also got b&m linkage anyone else come across this scenario before i start taking too much stuff apart,and while this happened it wouldnt fire back up until messed around with earth straps on batt,any advice/ideas be good before i start getting to involved



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