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Everything posted by dr_splian

  1. Thats part of the reason Dubbloke - the other reason is one of security, did you happen to notice the thousands of BMWs parked on site? i believe they are fleet cars waiting delivery or something, but there are millions and millions of pounds worth of cars and trucks on site, I can imagine the owners having kittens if there were a couple of hundred partied-up dub freakz camping on site!! Even though there is security staff there all night, and cameras all over the place, all it needs is one small thing to go wrong and its unlikely the show will happen again, let alone on-site camping! We will
  2. Yes, thats a good idea Steve. We tentatively set up a blog from the main Inters website last year, but because there are only 3 full time staff here (yes, 3!) its very hard to keep things fresh and up to date. Thats one of the main reasons why I did not want to do the Show n Shine anymore, I just did'nt have enough time to dedicate to getting the cars in as well as my day job, designing the two mags every month!!! Its a good point and there is no reason why we could'nt resurrect this blog for the forthcoming event - and, indeed, any of our events! Now we have our own web-mistress (!) we could
  3. Hi, I am a member of staff at Autometrix Publications, part of the tiny team who out this event together, About the caterers. We put this out to tender so they actually tell US how much THEY want to pay. Its like an auction! Of course we will take the highest bid - who in their right mind wouldnt. We had some serious issues with them last year - hiking up prices. And we thought we had sorted out the proverbial wheat from the chaff. Maybe not? We really do appreciate constructive comments and feedback but its very difficult to sit and read through lines and lines of people saying 'its shit' a
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