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Posts posted by Quantic

  1. New to the forum... Had a 306 GTi-6, great car but needed to wring its neck to get the best out of it. After a while it got a bit tiring, not to mention all the bits of trim that fell off.

    Ended up selling it for a lot more than I expected; had an advert in the trader and some bloke turned up with a fistful of cash, took it there and then.

    Needed something pronto to replace it, and something with some torque. Local to me was a 94/M VR6 - 3 owners and 100k on the clock. Had been neglected but the engine was so sweet! Few weeks on she's had a FULL service, adjustments to the clutch and is getting the bushes replaced. VW mechanic commented on how nice the engine was.....

    Love how little effort it all takes. Missus likes the fact that the engine rarely sounds like it's trying to hard, and love the fact that you can be both respectable and hoon in the same car.

    But the best bit? VR6 power for £1450. Can't get better value for money as far as I'm concerned.... :)

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