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power plant

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Everything posted by power plant

  1. TOP BOLKE, Ya think the company i bought the seat 16v item off would have known this as they do vr6 conversions all day long!
  2. Hi guys n girls .. Witch clutch cable do you use when you do the swap if your running cable change? Ive got the seat ibiza 16v on at the mo and was fine to start with bt after the car warms up its goes SH1TE! ANY HELP PLEASE
  3. I be there... wicked little meet everytime so guess i be there as always
  4. alright guys, just fort id let ya no but ive just gone n got 250bhp monster if all goes well this wkend.... And yep its jap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh noz if you thought the VR had noise through tunnels w8 tll ya here this....lol
  5. Aint been st neots in a long time..lol, yea he got hat off shorty, nice little car, just needed a little T.L.C, Yea cool man be good to catch up
  6. I was afen boy, from good old MARCH.lol, Its a shame really, be good to get a few more of us down there, Yea still got them will get themoff shane tonight, Lee make sure you at the next meet, VR'S are out numbering everything else...lol
  7. Alright guys/gals jsut a quick 1 to se if anyone from London area is goin 2moz?? be good to show the fen boys what were up2!!
  8. yea thats cool, so whats ya vr rat styl? lol
  9. alright guys hows ya crimbo? Cant wate for ED got so much done to the car now its starting to look ok.
  10. that should have been signed in as me not shane...lol anyway all you london dubbers will see you at beckton meet on 2nd
  11. Alright boys, i be goin as only live 30seconds away.lol. just wondering what do i need for a vento front end? slampannel,bonnet grill and head lights init? had abit of a prang lol! cheers dave.
  12. What a turn out! last nyt was wicked mate, really good to see so many vr's! Yours was sweet with that kit on! Ive got so many ideas now running in my head now i had a massive headache 2day at wrk..lol cant even think what nxt month will be like?? Really good to meet you both last nyt,
  13. be there for 7-7.30 mate, if your gona belater give me a ring cause mite have moved to the dlr station
  14. no mate we meet out side borders....or where it used 2be, had good turn out last month and should be even better this month,
  15. Hi to all, im not sure if any of you will have read the uk-polo forums ? but there is a VAG meet at Gallions Reach the 7th of this month witch is the wednesday comming, would be good to see as many of you as possible as ive just got my 5dr vr6 and would like some ideas, if you would like any more info check out uk-polo its under East London Meet, or contact me on 07902201003 many thanks dave,
  16. my father in law has a vr6 highline, we had 3 up and still wasted a VXR astra and the vr wasnt even remapped then!
  17. what id the alarm box look like on ya key ring? chunky square thing?
  18. does any one no what alarms were fitted on the standard vr6 92reg? got 1 on her just cant get it to work??
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