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Everything posted by HopefulVr6

  1. Winner! Never heard that one before - but it's by far the most plausible explanation
  2. In 1997 the engine cover got changed from "VR6-DOHC" to "VR6-2.8" Anyone got a definitive reason as to why Volkswagen did this? This has been asked before, but no real reason given: http://www.vr6oc.com/forum/topic/23872-engine-vr6-dohc-vs-vr6-28/
  3. Interesting, but I am not sure this is correct...? I have a 1997 registered "Golf VR6 Auto".
  4. I think I'll get a new t-stat housting and crack pipe, good reminder .. I've always done new t-stat housing when doing the waterpumps on the 4 cylinder engines. I love doing the waterpumps on the 4 cylinder engines actually. It's super easy and you can replace the whole lot for under £50, nice peace of mind Do the dealers still sell new crack pipes do you know? If not, I'll probably go for an aftermarket steel one rather than risk some aftermarket sub-standard plastic...
  5. Hi folks, I posted in the engine forum but didn't get much of a response. Hoping you can help :-) I've acquired a 1997 VR6 Auto - its done 85k miles so let's call it 100k. Previous service history is OK but past 10-15k is gappy and it has definately had a dubious past owner. I've decided to get the following work done -Chains -New A/C pump (its rattling and all sorts) -Waterpump (both) and thermostat -Belts -Leads, plugs, coilpack -Air/Oil/Fuel filter The engine seems to run very smooth - when its cold I do get a rattle/tick and a fair bit of vapour out of exhaust but once it is up to tem
  6. 4 ABS fault codes from VAGCOM but ABS warning lamp not lit up. Very interesting. Nuff said! Morons Edit - btw I should clarify this wasn't done by the guy who I bought the car off, he was a top bloke to deal with..
  7. If you didn't have any power coming from the engine when you press the accelerator pedal, it is very unlikely to do with the automatic transmission. If the engine was producing power, but it seemed like you wern't going places, then it could have been the transmission had gone into the emergency programme and stuck in 3rd gear. That would manifest itsself at lower speeds more but even at 60mph or so it can feel strange because it is stuck in 3rd Hydraulic and you are losing a lot of power to heat in the torque converter! VAGCOM both ECU and TCU
  8. That's the spirit! Good condition? How much you want for it?
  9. Hello, If anyone is breaking a VR6 with climatronic, interested in the parts. Also interested in beaver-colour interior parts if anyone is also breaking a vr6 with the cream interior. Thanks
  10. All Mk3s and Mk4s are fat, thats why we love them innit.
  11. When you said it was going wrong after it was learning I was thinking the ECU. I think the "non-volatile" memory in the ECUs can degrade such that the data gets corrupted and it can cause weird effects on things the ECU is trying to control using that data. I have seen that on other VW ECUs of that age. Bit worrying really in case after x amount of years they all start doing it! Of course could also just be that the o2 sensor outputs had fried for whatever reason...!
  12. Have you tried manually giving power to the starter motor and see if it turns? That will rule out lots of things. Yes starter motors often fail with absolutely no warning. Maybe you could loosely follow Dan J Reed's guide on this one: http://faculty.ccp.edu/faculty/dreed/Campingart/jettatech/nocrankdiag/index.htm But bearing in mind that is not written for a VR6 engine, and also remember you could cause an explosion or fire if you don't do things correctly, or run yourself over... ! Also you probably know this but remember that the multifunction switch on the automatic gearbox will block
  13. Already done The auto box is strong. I think the engine could run a little better though with a bit of TLC.
  14. Hello everyone! At last, I have got my beautiful Mk3 VR6 Auto... Will post more on this soon, it's all very exciting! In the very short term though I am after a recommendation from you guys on a good mechanic to take the car to to get it completely checked over and some preventitive maintenence done. Has 80k on the clock and anything reasonable I can get done at this stage I figure will be a good investment in the future. I have no concerns anything is seriously wrong but I don't want it leaving to chance. Things I definately want doing are a new water pump, electric water pump, coilpack,
  15. So black magic and diamond black are the same? "Diamond black pearl effect" is what is listed in the VR6 brochure Thanks
  16. Hi all, I have done a search but nothing much has come up. I am wondering: Some people refer to their VR6 as diamond black - is this metallic black or the magic black colour they refer to? Can anyone describe or point me to a picture of the differences between the two colours? Was magic black specifically limited to highlines, or could normal VR's get it too? (I am still looking for a VR6...) Thanks!
  17. Would be intresting to know what modifications were done.. especially if they had modified automatic transmissions wonder what else they had!
  18. He said the automatic transmissions were different to the road vehicle ones, so you had to buy a whole new transmission from volkswagen.Intresting eh.. wonder why they were different.
  19. Someone told me the other day that the VR6's for the police had some different parts compared to normal VR6's with the automatic transmissions... he said the parts to rebuild them are nowhere to be found... Reckon there is any truth in this?
  20. No idea I just read elsewhere the reason they changed it was due to the argument of the VR6 engine not really being double camshaft. Looks like its solved Still looking for a VR6 you see, I was wondering if the 1997 model year had something I should consider getting over earlier years, thanks for the replies
  21. I'm pretty sure the early ones didn't. I was under the impression they put it in in '95 when they updated a load of other things and went to OBD2. Were the ECU changes significant? I dont suppose anyone knows why American Golfs had those cool instrument clusters with low fuel gauge and trunk open etc etc? And more importantly, were any made in UK that have this ? Still puzzles me why they would bother changing the cover to 2.8 when there was only a year of production left. Odd.
  22. I am very intrigued to know why VW changed the engine cover from VR6 - DOHC to VR6 - 2.8 Can someone shed some light onto this, is it just 100% cosmetic? What other changes did they make? When did they add the auxillary water pump?
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