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About vdubz

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  1. A guy who had his vr6 in the performance vw mag couple of months ago said he had one from ebay and thought it was ok with no problems.
  2. Hi ive recently noticed a vibration sort of noise it only comes when i turn right it dont make a major noise just as if your driving over some rigid white lines i thought it might be the power steering pump or rack but my mate who breaks vr6 says if it was them it would happen if i turned left aswell ive checked fluid and thats ok any suggestions would be appreciated thanks
  3. Hi this might be a stupid answer but im guessing this is what your asking, some obd1 do have a coilpack as i have one on mine so thats not wrong. also good look sorting it out
  4. Hi funny enough mate i have the same problem today ive took mine apart and its coming from the oil coiler / hose so you might want to check that first you never no also thats abit lower than the water pump.
  5. vdubz

    more power

    Hi well i dont no if the head was brand new or second hand when fitted as i have no paperwork for it, also would you say its worth just getting the 2.9 obd2 dropped in and play with that to be honest i have never really tuned my engines before so this is all new to me i usually just get them nice and clean cheers
  6. vdubz

    more power

    Hi sounds good to me if i go for the engine swap the lower milage obd2 would i still be able to use my gearbox or are they different also what should i aim to get with engine as for the r32 engine i will try looking for one aswell if i go that route how are they to drop in and what will i need cheers
  7. vdubz

    more power

    Well most of the work i can do if not my dad can help me so most of the work will be done by myself depending how serious the job would be cheers
  8. vdubz

    more power

    Hi i understand but would it be cheaper or better to buy a engine thats got about 70,000 then start to tune that if so would you reccomend i put the 2.9 or just straight swap with the same 2.8 engine or go for the ob2 cheers
  9. vdubz

    more power

    Hi everyone well its that time of year tax rebate getting about £1200 and its all going on my engine might not seem alot to some of you guys but to me its good just wondering what sort of engine mods i could get with this, also what sort of power gain, also ive been thinking of getting it supercharged at some time but my engine has 143,000 on clock, would people recommend putting a less milage engine in, if so which, also this engine has had a new head fited about a year ago if matters also my engine is the 2.8 obd1 in golf cheers
  10. Cheers mate im gonna check in morning to see if it is the right one and then gonna buy thanks
  11. Hi i ask this question as i only really thought about it today that i dont no what this means can anyone tell me cheers
  12. Hi looks good but it all seems to be for the obd2 and mine is the obd1 cheers
  13. Hi i actually work in leicster also the fault sode reader of ebay are they any good and are they the same as having a diagnostic test done cheers
  14. Hi since i bought my car i have never really been greatly happy with the performance, but who i got the car of didnt really look after it that well all usual faults common or not were wrong, since having i have fixed them all but now im down to wanting it running write ( it maybe running write not sure as its my first vr6) this being the reason im looking for anyone who can do a diagnostics test im in derby and want to do the test to see if there is anything that can tell me also i have never had one of these done could this give me answers also does anyone live near ilkeston,derby with a 2.8
  15. Hi not sure how you get pics on here, also there are 2 wires behind the manifold right hand side as you look at engine from front of car by the pin connector block, but not sure its anything to do with maf as car runs fine revs stick on 900 when still, just when driving i feel its not pulling as good as it should cheers
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