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Everything posted by cheese

  1. the big blank above the ash tray has my clifford switch in it so i removed it carefully, then removed the other two blanks. Behind them, there was a small 2 pin grey (or black) plug and a white one. Are these the ones I need to hook the laptop up to? thanks john
  2. Sweet!! thank you for that, I will look later today
  3. me again.... My friend came round with his laptop and a connector, but we couldn't find the port to connect the laptop up to. He said he was convinced it was behind a panel next to the ashtray but it didn't look like it was there. There should have been a panel that slies out of the way, but this looked fixed in and part of the dash. anyone know where or what type of connection would be on my early K reg vr6??
  4. I'll have to try and find someone who can do a diagnostics and see where the problem lies thanks for all the pointers guys
  5. Thats what I thought, but I honestly don't know what else to try so I might give just give it a go
  6. Hi all, I am really in need of some help. My golf was driving fine, then one day there was a little bit of hesitation when driving but it went away when the car warmed up. Then after sitting for 3 days it just refused to start. I have checked everything. i am getting spark to all 6 plugs, I have cleaned all the plugs and there is fuel getting there but it still won't start. it just turns and turns and turns. My mate said it might be the water/ coolant temperature sensor so i replaced that but still nothing. I have had a booster on the battery and sprayed carb cleaner into the air intake. but
  7. cool thank you very i will order them today then thanks John
  8. cool thanks, could it be the seals that have gone? are they available from euro car parts etc? I can't see them on their website
  9. Hi thanks for the quick reply, I have checked the little rubber pipe that goes from the crank pipe to the oil cooler, and it seem fine, but it looks like the water is leaking from the sides of the oil cooler. could the oil cooler be cracked and leaking? thanka John
  10. Hi all, I have a pretty bad water leak and from what i can tell it is coming from this thing Can anyone tell what this is?? It is sitting underneath the crank pipe, which has now been replaced, and after much work, and many leaks fixed I still have this one. If I had haor i would be pulling it now!! Thanks John
  11. I just saw them on the strictly dubs website, it was £109, they are $79.99 (£55 ish) from the states. I'm going to America at the end of the month for a family wedding, so I will order it out there. May even bring back a spare couple and sell them here. ;o)
  12. cool, thanks for the advice guys and so quick as well. i will get on that site and order me one. The car is a K reg 3 door, not many mods, exhaust, newer headlights air filter. I bought it from a friend who was more interested in how clean it looked than how fast it went. however when the pipe went 5 months ago he left it sitting and then lost interest, so I took it off his hands, now the lovely red paint work isn't looking so lovely any more. I plan to strip it, roll cage etc. but it is going to be a long project. Saving bits of money here and there. So many ideas not enough money.
  13. Hi all, I have just got my hands on a VR6 I'm looking to make into a fun track toy. The car isn't running at the moment, a water pipe has gone. Now I'm not very technical, this going to be a project to help me improve my mechanical skills as well as hopefully be a lot of fun. The water pipe in question is a plastic hard pipe situation underneath the manifold, it has a little nob thing coming off it. It the small nobbily thing that has broken, apparently (I'm relying on me being told the truth here) this a common thing to go on the VR6s. And you can a replacement made of metal which is much wil
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