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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. If you are going by the top engines of the different models then the Mk3 having the big VR6 would make the Mk3 better than the Mk2 IMO, inline 4s are just dull
  2. in my view and this is as they came out of the factory, no modified versions as they are always better Mk1 - Good Mk2 - Better Mk3 - Same Mk4 - Atrocious Mk5 - Much better Mk6 - Not interested The late Mk3s have the rep of being the worst for rust and rot though
  3. youve had some nice golfs, i would have kept them all lol
  4. it was a US only option i think
  5. the jacking point on the sill is indicated by slit sections in the skirts about 6 inches from either end, youll see what i mean
  6. it will fit fine and everything, if its like any others ive seen you should be able to take the motor off and then use the screw to adjust by hand
  7. Mine was connected that way, arrow towards the throttle body, it's the vacuum solenoid for the carbon evap cannister
  8. How does it sound gash mate? Just wondering as I have the same backbox but the cat back section aswell, it can sound a bit boomy at certain revs but it doesn't sound shite, it increases the nice VR warble and is a nice deep tone, on full throttle it sounds better than, I dunno, a lion?
  9. nope sorry mate links still arent working, maybe they are geographic sensitive, to post pics you take the url for the image and wrap it in [ img] image url [ /img]tags , take the spaces out though there are spaces in this example as it wouldnt display correctly without
  10. Is your expansion cap faulty? This would cause the water to boil away leaving little or no evidence
  11. If you are changing it all anyway why not just go to 312s?
  12. ive read about these carp before, they came into the rivers and infested them and whenever they hear boats etc they jump out of the water, the authorities basically endorse people killing them as they are such a problem. So they are just being imaginative in the methods they use, but i still dont think id endorse it, as pretty much every fish they make contact with they hurt quite badly but didnt kill, so a bit cruel
  13. not from VW by the looks of it, the most they list is convex electrically operated heated, not tinted
  14. Finished and fitted my body colour fog light blanks today, after much polishing as per the rest of the paint on the car. Lovely clear reflection of nosey and very vain kitten Excuse the dirty car, cant keep clean 5 minutes in this horrible weather Old rubbish chipped tint fog lights Nice shiny sparkly new body coloured fog light blanks Much better
  15. its scientifically proven that the more fuels a car uses the more funner it is.. (i have no actual scientific fact to back this up)
  16. Dont know cant find it in wiring diagrams, they all just seem to relate to the rear brake lights. the obd1 and obd2 looms do look different, especially to do with the instrument cluster and lighting. Have you also messed around with the reservoir level sensor and fluid level etc, as that will bring the light on too, aswell as abs issues. a fault scan may shed light on if theres multiple problems etc
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