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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. if your parents want to getyou out of a mk3 vr6 into a newer R32, then you are a very lucky boy
  2. hasnt rained here for weeks now, my weather widget reckons its gonna thunder tomorrow though
  3. brilliant day, shame i spent most of it stuffed in a car, the gym shut at 1 cos of the bank holiday so i had to cram that in too and with it being so hot it just made it worse, felt sick as a dog after lol, not the ideal weather for squats! The day redeemed itself tonight when we made some home made chilli burgers and herb spiced wedges, relaxing with a nice lager now, its definitely a light lager day today, no heavy beer today :-)
  4. the stuff is holding up far better, as that pitbull fella says its on like donkey kong, really good look too everyone likes it
  5. just done the back of my iphone4 for £2. i have a max coverage invisble shield on it but the back just wouldnt stick and seems to be a common problem, something to do with the battery getting warm in use and warming the sticky then the glue slackens off. Lets see if the di-noc holds on any better, certainly looks good
  6. We've got an 02 focus 1.6 zetec and despite it needing a good beatin to get going it's a nice car and can be thrown around with almost dangerous intent, this is a 1.8 ghia so it'll be faster and have a nicer interior lol
  7. Cheers mate got them, first car I gold chromed - my race modded cappuccino looks wicked
  8. I'm gtilukey think im added on your list I think mate you're on mine
  9. so does no one fancy lending me a gold chrome which i will send them back, x5 if they wish, i only need one to make as many as i want
  10. Actually iPhone 4 batteries are available, not expensive and are a piece of p!ss to replace should you ever nee to due to the redesigned back being held on by 2 screws instead of clips
  11. Lukey.


    i have several, some on my wrists and most of my back. On the nape of my neck i have a gao yord and across my ribcage a yan suea koo. These are buddhist prayer inscriptions, exactly like this but not the 2 right up on the shoulders and on my top one i didnt want the writing underneath That's not my back just a pic I found of someone that happens to have the same as me Gao yord means 9 spires, and is said to bring luck and fortune to the wearer, each spire representing one of the 9 sacred peaks of mount meru in buddhism with buddha sitting on top of every peak, which is basically like heaven
  12. ive used both and iphone 4 is easily better, its more polished and the screen is far better both in clarity and touch
  13. i like your style, DIY! but its not crappy bodged, its high standard, nice progression from what it was to what it is
  14. Cheers mate Got the rest of the car done today, it was a nice day but not sunny so perfect for polishing and waxing, i tried out my new foam lance (which was rubbish and wont be again) and got round the car twice by hand. First with some poorboys cleanser polish with carnuba blue then with dodo juice blue velvet. I got this new bumper gel for the skirts and valances by Mer and i like it a lot. I saw so many swirls and minor scratches from the year since i machined it last but i have planned to do it in june so this was just to make it look nice and clean till then Then i gave the interior a go
  15. if youre on about mayo in the oil after a headgasket then dont do anything, just drain as much as you can then with the HG fixed and good as new fill with new oil and go for a long drive, as you want to get the engine good and hot for a long time to burn off the moisture in the oil ways which will then make its way out of the engine through the crankcase breather
  16. i would say toad ai606 too, if i had another alarm fitted it would be this one just for its custmoisation abilities, i have a clifford hornet atm and its good as a straightforward cat1 but you cant do much else with it. Make sure you get them to hook up total closure which is a standard feature on the toad and clifford, its so handy to just get out the car on a sunny day with the windows and sunroof open and lock the car and walk away and everything shuts
  17. this is the man and the pipe i bought http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/19mm-ID-Oil-Resistant-Hose-Oil-Catch-tank-hose-/330521993886?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4cf4a5629e
  18. 18s is too big for everyday really and will take some work to make the arches clear
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