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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. looks 10 times better for a bit of tlc what coilovers and top mounts did you get?
  2. do you know what version of vw coolant you have currently in the system? what colour is it? it does tell you on the label the ideal dilution ratio for your climate too, the coldest its gonna get in uk might be around -20 so you dont need to be mixing a ratio for -50. The correct ratio for you is the largest amount of water while still being in the safety zone above the freezing point of the ratio. This is due to water being a much more efficient heat transfer medium than the anti freeze. It est to think of it like this, the water is the cooling liquid so youll obviously want the maximum amount
  3. now the police i agree with, the pigs ive had to deal with about stuff should be sacked instantly to go towards saving the money
  4. If you try to enter the academy seasonal it will pop up and tell you to register on gran-turismo.com or something like
  5. Don't forget to sign up and do a lap on the gt academy seasonal, you only have to post a clean lap time not a record breaking one (which you prob won't as the top times are super quick lol) and you get a special gt academy gtr. Does kind of take away from the specialness of golding all the S licenses tho.
  6. ok so it was a little right wing of me to say, it was basically for the effect that more and more extreme times will result in more and more extreme action. This example in case is that raising fuel prices over and over to ridiculous costs is only going to have an extreme reaction. This would also only exponentiate the problem, as high fuel costs to the point where people would no longer buy the amount of fuel they normally would, people SORNing their cars as they cant afford to drive them therefore them not paying road tax, the list goes on, would mean far less revenue for the government, so
  7. high fuel prices is just one of the many issues though isnt it. My prediction People are becoming tired of being a milked afterthought in their own country and being taken from from both sides, then the civil unrest will be happening on our soil.
  8. its relevant that the current government is not interested in the people that live in this country, and if you took away the racial connotations of their policies they would be entirely relevant
  9. did you have to drill the holes in the strut towers? very nice OEM looking with it contouring around everything perfectly
  10. each side is made up of 5 parts, a base that runs the length of the side, a front and back big section that hang off this base, a finishing strip with the back tab attached to it which goes onto the top of the 2 big sections and the front tab for the top finishing strip. You need the top finishing strip 1H0 853 985 Driver Side 1H0 853 986 Passenger Side They are sided and are not interchangeable, the top weather seal would be on the bottom if you got the wrong side, and you dont want that I just asked for the black rivets at the same time i didnt have the part number for them but they are in t
  11. they are different at the front for OBD1 or OBD2, OBD1 are screw on, OBD2 are banjo
  12. trying to solve the problems by charging people more for everything and freezing or cutting their wage will only be tolerated for so long, i for one will welcome the riots in the streets and at the pumps, its almost guaranteed its going to happen as people will only take so much of the p!ss being taken out of them, then maybe something may get done. The IR will have seen whats going on and used it as an excuse to raise fuel prices as a result, barrel price rise or not.
  13. the front axle load can be different by up to 100kg (890kg - 980kg) but i think the rear axle load is the same for GTI or VR6 (880kg)
  14. on the earlier light looms cant you easily get the connectors mixed up? ie can you plug them in in a different configuration?
  15. if you put a non airbag wheel in and still wanted to retain function of the other lights (like ABS!) but dont want to see the airbag light every time then you can just take the light cover off and bend the led for the airbag right out of the way, then it doesnt shine through the airbag warning bit.
  16. just raced online for the first time lastnight, the physics are totally different, its like driving on comfort hards!
  17. Lukey.

    i-pad 2

    so if mines sim free i dont need to unlock it do I? can you just do the jailbreak and not the unlock? when it was the first iphone i seem to remember you had to do both, which the baseband was the part i didnt want to go messing with
  18. Ive used what was labelled on ebay as BMC cold air feed, its super strong and is coated in a plasticky card like this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BMC-CDA-Cold-Air-Feed-Induction-Pipe-Brand-New-Unused-/260746353048?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3cb5b19998 when i bought it a seller had boxes full of them and was flogging them for like 4 quid, now though they seem a lot thinner on the ground
  19. youll be lucky to find those parts in good nick in a breakers, thought you meant the actual bottom parts, those strips are buggers for doing that, when you take them off the rear finishing tabs are connected but the fronts are seperate, so if the fronts are in good condition then peel them off from the back and slide them out of the fronts, saves a few quid. Youll need to drill out the rivets on the back sides so get the accompanying black rivets from VW too they wont corrode
  20. Lukey.

    i-pad 2

    ive jailbreak'd loads of peoples i phones including my own past ones, but am somewhat reluctant to do my sim free iphone4
  21. Lukey.

    i-pad 2

    jailbreaking is putting a non apple restriced version of their software on the iphone, which enables you to do anything you like, as the apple software is massively restriced, you lose your warranty instantly though
  22. yea i think different sytems behave in different ways, on an ibiza FR i had i put 312s on it and it had the effect of turning the ABS sensitivity down, it interfered much less often. but on the VR6 i think it pretty much stays the same
  23. OEM reds supposedly have higher quality terminals
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