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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. im all the way up north east, so everywhere is massivley far, its like 180miles to there for me, hard to do with SWMBO and a 6yr old whiney girl lol
  2. ah yes best to get the vw rivets they are already black and wont corrode
  3. lol im actually off on holiday for the first time in like 2 years for the back end of august. where is billing?
  4. genuine ones are all the same they only did one kind, do you mean the long strips that clip onto the tops? these are part nos for those bits 1H0 853 985 Driver Side 1H0 853 986 Passenger Side front end caps are separate and back ones are attached, so if your front ones are fine you can slide the strip out from under it without damaging it. they are about £30 a side and are sided, the attached end cap goes to the back
  5. Lukey.

    Door handle

    you could do it without the door card on but its so much easier with it off, if you left the card on i woulodnt be surprised if you ended up taking it off anyway in the end cos it is such a fiddle :-)
  6. oooh that was painful
  7. unfortunately i have never had the time to go to any shows when they were on no :-(
  8. the best mods are the free /very cheap ones :-)
  9. yea shes been my daily driver since the end of august 09, and i think shes come a long way from what she was
  10. Replaced the blue white single big LED sidelights i had bought in a hurry when i was just wanting the lights working, with some better super white super bright ones. i started out with this style, but when i bought them the big diameter head was too big to fit through the hole in the headlight reflector so sent them back then i got some of this style, which kept blowing very quickly, but thats always been the problem with this kind i have found so i ended up with these, and they have been reliable, but i didnt really ever like the blue-ness of them and they were very dim, this was made wo
  11. Lukey.

    Door handle

    take it out and have a look at the condition of the interface between the handle and the latch, and the latch itself, the little hook that goes onto the latch is a bit of a weak spot in the handle, you can either replace this bit which is held on with a squeeze pin or geta new handle theyre 10 a penny in scrappers
  12. After trying for prob literally hours at a time to do the IB3 toyota cone slalom over the last few days i picked it up today and did it third go and smashed the gold time by 1/4 of a second. 41 gold license tests and counting
  13. first take the plastic surround off the wheel boss and check if the stalks are all connected properly, theres a few plugs and they connect to each other in a stacked sequence, one may not be right
  14. funny cos i always find the most complained about shows by the pathetic people thats have nothing better to do are the funniest. except tramadol nights, that was just fookin awful
  15. No doubt you will have watched top gear on sunday and they had a laugh about the mexican car and the mexicans in general, And jeremy said "we wont get any complaints cos the ambassador will be too busy being asleep" But, the mexican ambassador himself did exactly that lol http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-12338053 brilliant! Its even funnier than it was now that the actual mexican ambassador complained
  16. as one person put it, a freudian slip on the skating rink of truth lol i wont post a link as its prob too far for here, use of the C bomb, you tube jeremy paxman c bomb if you still want a laugh, the deadpan carrying on is the best bit for me, better than jim naughties messup where he sounded like he was being hung by his producer at that very moment
  17. think it was about £60 or £70 for the set
  18. mine came with quantum leads and i swapped them to genuine ones and was a definite improvement, i got them in red too, i heard the red ones were better, had better ends on them
  19. Lukey.


    as of april 10 it went up a whole £15 instead of the usual £5, robbing b******ds
  20. what kind of arrangement were the LEDs on the bulbs and did they fit straight in the back of the lights? i was going to go for some like this off hids4u, they are supplied with resistors should they be required which obviously they are. were they much brighter than the normal filament bulbs?
  21. how many people are using pad against wheels? and if so what wheel are you using, im half tempted to get hold of a driving force GT wheel....
  22. i found i save a fair bit of money if i dont drive my real car and just drive all my much faster pretend cars on GT5 lol
  23. Lukey.


    £112.75 for 6 months i just realised after you said about everything at once that mymot is july and tax and insurance is august, gonna have to buy a fresh years tax and refund my current one to space it all out i think lol plus then i wont have to pay the extra for only getting 6 months, it costs £15.50 extra in "admin charges" ??
  24. i saw these seasonal events, they are a new addition since i last played, it did a 600mb update when i switched it on this week, prob first time i played this year! i tried a seasonal event but what do you have to do to win the points? from what it looked like it was a me vs the world race with the leaderboard
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