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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. standard VR6 badges with all the chrome and in vgc will go for the same money i took my vgc one off and put it in a drawer then got a cheap tatty one and sprayed it up like new so i didnt risk damaging my original one
  2. what model does the mk4 calipers have to come off? any except 4 motion models, V5 or V6?
  3. you need to measure how wide your bracket is then youll know which one you need, its either 15mm wide or 18.5mm wide bracket
  4. im guessing no one is going to click that
  5. yea, but maybe it only applies to US, these posts were from 2003 so very long time ago and seems VW have since done something about it in an effort to not give anyone a cheap deal http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?773176
  6. im not sure i could even bring myself to answer some of that dumb sh!t lol
  7. theres threads on vortex and i checked this when my maf gave up the ghost, mine was totally different part no and looked different too. I came to the conclusion that the mk4 12v VR6 in US got the same maf as the mk4 2.0. mine uses the newer hot film type too that mk4s use, not the old hot wire. On the plus the MAF i bought wasnt that expensive ~£50 from TPS if you give them your old one, £130 just to buy one
  8. the mk3 is like a triple skin, the outer, middle and inner. the middle is the bit that is integral to the structure, i doubt there would be anything wrong with it unless you have some really bad damage. Ive done both sides on mine inner and outer, you can get outer sills readily. hadrian is an obvious example and what i used, did both rear arches aswell and the shapes were very good, little modification needed. inner sills i just cut away to good metal and filled in with right angle edged sheet, while i was there i reinforced the whole lot its now way stronger than it ever was before. I also
  9. is this every time or the first time you start up and pull away after being parked for a while?
  10. samknows.com is the best site for broadband information, they tell you everything, the length of your line from the exchange (very important for ADSL customers as it is the be all and end all of your ADSL performance) even to what your exchange is enabled for and if it is unbundled. very good site
  11. thats pretty good, im 25 5NCD and i paid 400 for my renewal, but mines not standard, i did a quote with bell who insured my audi before to follow on and if it was standard i think the quote came back about the same as yours, 300
  12. bt are "in the process" of upgrading to fibre to the cabinet, but it will be years before its all in place and working well, then i doubt people will pay the premium for fibre broadband, resulting in the whole process being rather pointless, they should have done it years ago. the reason most developing countries have so much better infrastructure is that exact reason, they are developing so have put much better technology in to begin with, the first world did all the hard work making the technology, they are just installing it and using it off the developed worlds back
  13. just worked out that on average i put 15-20 litres in a week at the price it is now averaged out at £1.30 its £1014 - £1352 a year to fill mine up, plus tax and insurance of around 5-600 thats 2 grand a year not including anything that breaks or falls off, when you do the sums you start to think what am i doing? better than my audi which was £400 a month plus £70 in diesel and tax and insurance about £600 that makes £6240 annnually. Which actually makes the VR6 a money saving excercise after the first year, if you include the outlay to actually buy the car. VR6 power, saving me money ev
  14. Lukey.

    Fuel freeze

    signed up my whole damn fmaily!!!
  15. i had virgin cable 10mb and it was so rubbish it used to drop all the time and was really slow, switched to sky and i get a 2045kb connection at the router which means this in real terms But sky is way faster than virgin ever was and hardly ever goes off, and if it does i drive down the road and see BT are playing with the lines in the back of their openworld van
  16. except for in km countries its how many litres will be used per 100km driven
  17. UK has some of the worst broadband speed around, its all to do with the wars, places that were utterly decimated, or places that UK helped rebuild after wars, ie japan, germany, have much newer technology cabling, aswell as investing in technologies at the right time ie korea investing millions 20 years ago in fibre optics (giving them virtually limitless broadband speed) that would cost billions today
  18. about 160 quid not too bad to do all the bushes imo theres a full kit does the subframe and power steering rack for 200, i thought itd be more than that
  19. for that ripoff price its so easy to pick your chrome one off, spray it whatever colour you fancy and superglue the posts back onto the backing
  20. challenger is a beautiful car, both new and old shame about the new charger, ugerleee nothing they couldnt easily sort out as this pic shows nice
  21. i never remove the housing drain, heard too many people strip the threads out of the cap and have to get a new one, would rather not spend £30odd on a new cap lol
  22. yea they would have been a laugh in the snow, wish id remembered about them earlier now
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