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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. just read the entire build of the jetta, that guy is awesome, making the rear windows open and shut like a beemer coupe and everything
  2. yea i found a bag of bent dogbones and wishbones and a reinforced gearbox gearset for the savage so i obviously got sick of breaking those parts and have upgraded bits on now, its so long ago i cant remember what i have done with them, i think the last time i had the savage out i hit a fencepost at full tilt and it went 2 seperate ways and was quite expensive to fix back up lol love the 2 speed gearchange on the savage lol waaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrpwaaaaaaaaaarrrrrp
  3. Anyone else got or had any of these in the past? My little girl got an electric r/c car with her xmas money and it reminded me that i had these in the loft, so i got them out and were still complete with all the radio equipment and seperate channel frequency crystals too for running at the same time. I found a couple of electric tamiya Tl-01 and TB-01 impreza rally cars with 10 turn motors and speed controllers too (which i remember were insanely fast) but they werent complete, but they were in a box full of their own bits so could probably build them back up to working order. My 2 nitro eng
  4. im pretty usre you use the original carrier and disc and just replace the calliper with the mk4 item, so all other items stay mk3
  5. that vag com code is a fault with the N80 valve, you get it if you have removed your charcoal cannister, either way it doesnt matter as it has absolutely no effect on anything
  6. the torque spec is written on the cooler cap, 25Nm or 30Nm i think
  7. bosch s5 005 5 year warranty £120 in halfords £65 and free delivery from here http://www.carbatteriesonline.co.uk/ enter your reg no and choose the silver one, for the little extra over the blue its worth getting the silver i run it and its been no problem since replacing, i get much better and more stable voltage now too
  8. http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?356917
  9. you would be lucky to find a set of heated jets that the elements still work in, ive been hunting for a set that work for ages, all have broken elements
  10. have you removed your charcoal cannister for an air feed?
  11. i think if it carries on people are going to revolt no matter what the consequences
  12. allen key adjusters are usually for left and right hand drive beam patterns not level
  13. if you dont have the headlight switch in the pic then your car doesnt have electric adjustment. there is usually a long threaded rod on the back of the light housing, probably in the lower corner towards the outside of the light, if you turn it you either move the lenses up or down, bringing them into level. sometimes the piece of plastic that the threaded rod connects to isnt that strong and strips, youd be better taking the lights out and having a good look at them
  14. she obviously didnt come back again, 1 post lol
  15. hes gonna show someone that one day and there will be blood
  16. like the roller on the left of this switch
  17. no its entirely 1 piece youll have to do it in situe. theres a big metal ring under the round flap of rubber that holds it in place you need to remove that to get full access to the filler neck. While youre in there clean out the years worth of dirt that will have collected behind the rubber seal, i used a long screwdriver to loosen it then compressed air to blow it all out, there was tons in mine, watch out for the filler ground wire though you dont want to snap it, stick a big ball of masking tape tight in the filler neck and have at it. I sprayed the whole of the interior area with stonechi
  18. does your headlight switch have a level roller adjuster?
  19. normal psf or atf will wreck the seals in the power steering system
  20. id get the vw fluid from dealers, G002000 or G004000, about £7, 1 bottle is the amount needed to fill the system, which is handy
  21. you can just replace the latch iirc, it has some levers attatched doesnt it? had my doors completely in their component parts but nearly a year ago the memory fades
  22. gaaaahd i have to watch that every day its always on viva which is permantly the channel at my gym, those kids want a slap
  23. Anyone seen this? ive never seen it on tv, some of it is fair funny, cant get enough of the night-time, day-time! one, thats hilarious! [youtube=]EQ1HKCYJM5U
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