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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. different oil can wreck the seals, so you may have made any leaks that were present before you put atf in worse
  2. power steering has to be VW spec G000200 you cannot use any other fluid or atf in them. If you dont have VW spec fluid the only other you can use is called CHF 11S
  3. when i was 15 i got punched in the face by some smackhead, no really some guy off his tits on drugs who must have been about 27. We were playing football and he just comes across chuntering away to himself gets all angry and says i said something to his girlfriend and now she left him and thumped me in the face. I need glasses and he hit me in the left eye, the lens cut my eyelid off it was only held on at the very sides, it flopped down so when my eyelids met i could still see out of it. Blood in your eye hurts like mental too. Only have the smallest thinnest scar from them stitching it back
  4. +1 my 300+ BHP focus ate porsches, a normal vr6 would have been an appetizer
  5. pas is hydraulic, with no fluid at best you wont get any assistance at worst youll damage something
  6. have you got 0 ncd too? if you have 1 or more you could try greenlight, i went with them and they were almost half what anyone else would quote, even with any discounts, member or otherwise.
  7. dont worry youre not alone, i think it looks stupid and ridiculous too lol
  8. think ive found out what it was, the damn fuel pressure regulator failed flooding the engine with petrol. Fitted the old regulator which is leaky but working for now, so looks like another new fpr. the coilpack being a bit faulty on testing must have been a coincidence, randomly misfiring, and the leads falling to bits when i removed them to look was a good thing i replaced them anyway, and the plugs i just did as a matter of course while i was in there, from the look of them they wanted doing anyway. and that seems to be the problem solved.
  9. oxygen is lambda isnt it, so it thinks theres a problem with that definitely, didnt think it would cause the engine to run like a badly tuned lanwmower though. The car wont go anywhere under its own steam. its OBD2 where is the temp sensor?
  10. ive unplugged maf and knock and crank sensor maf and knock sensor dont make a difference and if i unplug the crank sensor it doesnt start at all, which means thats working
  11. I was driving along the road the other night and all was fine, car wasnt running a bit off or anything, wasnt down on power as id had to overtake a tractor 5 mins before. Then just going along at a sedate 40mph the engine just changed, it sounded and felt like the coilpack had died and i had to freewheel it into a layby. It wouldnt start again in the layby and i got recovered. The next morning i vagcom'd it and only error i got was 00525 - Oxygen Sensor (G39) 03-10 - No Signal - Intermittent which i googled and would have got if the coilpack stopped working properly thus backing up my
  12. Paul, if i dont move it its fine, but doing much with it brings pain, if im spannering away on the car etc and dont stop till im finished itll hurt all night, but thats kind of self inflicted lol screwdriving is the worst, my wrist sounds like a concrete mixer. Im a gym rat tho and free weights have definitely improved it, my right side strength is equal to my left now, which when i couldnt use it my right side strength withered, it jstill hurts tho
  13. I slipped on my front path when it was wet it had that manky moss slime on it and its a slope. I broke my right wrist right in the joint and im right handed. This was about mid november 2006, im quite tolerant of pain and usually need to be constantly nagged to go to the docs, and the pain was bad but i coped so didnt go to the docs for 4 weeks in the meantime i carried on as normal. I still could move it a bit so didnt think it was broken and by the time i went to the docs it had mostly healed itself, incorrectly and still quite painful. So i went to the docs and told them what happened they
  14. thanks for the info about the cheaper plugs nat, i decided to go with those ones just with a stock 5 heat rating BKR5E. seems to be too much about the platinums (and dual electrode in general) being hit and miss on a google search and read for me, ill stick with cheap ass copper and replace them in half the interval. Now to wait for these, new OEM leads and OEM coilpack to arrive, my car shat its coilpack just cruising down a main road, luckily i could coast into a layby
  15. if you can wait the discount code also gives you free post, slower, but free
  16. ive got a stubborn bugger of a spider calling my driver wing mirror home, its getting annoying now having a fresh web there every day after ive destroyed the previous days
  17. so if im standard i should really go with the stock temperature? BKR5E? im assuming that BKR5E BKR6E BKR7E are the same plugs just different heat range?
  18. yea id guesses that the P indicated platinum, which are the ones recommended by NGK, dont these burn out super quick? Nat if they are 7 arent they 2 stages colder?
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