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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. i have a similar problem and am under the impression it might be something to do with fuel pressure, or rather the pressure leaking back out into the tank again. I cant even tell if my fuel pump is priming as i cant hear it, how about yours? i havent managed to sort it yet tho
  2. paper panel filters actually flow better than cotton panel filters
  3. man id love your gearbox, 6spd and LSD, jealous! those wavetrac diffs are supposed to be really good aswell arent they, they can work even when the other wheel has no grip, not like normal LSDs that multiply the drive of the spinning wheel to the other wheel, at least i think thats what i read. If i got a diff id prob be looking at one of these. nice rado, im liking them more and more lately
  4. have you been for a drive? i changed an abs sensor and it came on then went off after about 5 miles.
  5. banjo will be a block that has a bolt through it at 90 degrees, screw will be an inline fitting that floats on the end of the pipe. 97 288 should be banjo, mine are
  6. black smoke is overfuelling, blue smoke is oil burning. The valve stem seals are prob just leaking a little bit, which would likely happen on a 114k engine, if its not using a ton of oil id live with it, cos replacing them is involved
  7. i swapped batteries and it still does the same thing so cant be battery, my battery also worked absolutely fine in his car, better actually as its a 700A and his is 600A. Didnt just turn his engine over rather swing it round the drive
  8. if its in the airbox a paper filter will actually flow better than a cotton filter. if you wanted more ouf of the airbox you can drill it. If you are wanting something to perform better then a heat shielded intake like BMC CDA is only option, this will also make your engine sound like it eats jaywalking pedestrians, which is nice
  9. i try to always park in the kiddie spaces actually it seems the safest bet here, (got a child set so im allowed) as you get about a parking space in between each car, you could open your door and the cars next to you wide open and they woudnt touch
  10. i think the pedal keeps the spring in place when its all assembled yea, its all held under tension
  11. typical police work there, wont do anything about it but theyll check your docs to see if they can do you for something!
  12. i would help but its been like a year since i did mine and i cant remember lol
  13. then i think ive been as helpful as i can be, like i said im not sure how the OBD1 idle control works, and maybe a new maf that reads correctly would solve your problem?
  14. have you managed to ascertain whether you have OBD1 or 2 engine?
  15. mine is OBD2 and i was getting bogging, hesitating and hunting but it never stalled. but mine is def OBD2 so has the electronically controlled idle control, i dont know if it would make such a difference to the OBD1 which i think is vac controlled? i dont know if this is the case im just thinking out loud see if it helps?
  16. if you get one from TPS they will do an exchange of your old one for £58 i think. i just got one and am waiting for them to take off the exchange surcharge to find out end price
  17. people just have no respect, pisses me off too that people are 1, so unaware of their surroundings that it happens in the first place and 2, are so inconsiderate that they would just drive off. Had this happen to me, someone slammed their door into mine and it made a bad dent and chipped the paint off, cost me £140 to fix. There was no car next to me when i parked and none when i returned to my car.... But then it just makes you feel like if you accidentally hit someone else they would drive off so why shouldnt you? they wouldnt give a f**k so why should you be decent.
  18. mines even faster now that it has a working maf too lol
  19. do you know the inner diameter off hand? i havent got any relevent sized clips to fasten it back on if i got the wrong size tubing. Ill see if i can try a new battery my stepdads just got a new one for his 3.2 so ill see if i can swap and see if it starts any better.
  20. its ok if its an open road you just give them the shouty pedal, but in town if one more little twat gets so far on my back bumper than i can see whats in their teeth in the mirror trying to egg me on cos his 1.0 corsa full of his mates is obviously way faster, id get out at some lights and deck him.
  21. hispec have been round for ages and are very good. Ive heard of them from my fast ford driving days as i think thats who they cater for the most, they are highly regarded by fast ford owners http://www.hispecbrake.co.uk/calipers/B4%20radial.htm tech specs of that brake kit
  22. I say stainless is always better isnt it, it will never corrode, theres no plating integrity to worry about. Id say go black diamond then if they are the cheapest and stainless, ive never seen or felt a black diamond but have goodridge so cant comment on the quality or anything, but if theyve got lifetime warranty why not
  23. theres a little groove on the back of the middle grille bar for it to locate onto. Mine lives on the passenger side, gets more standing gawps from pedestrians that way :-D My back badges are still in the standard place but i polished the chrome off them so they are gloss black, i get far less bother from saxos and corsas behind me now
  24. low pressure on the right high on the left temp sensor at the left back thats looking at them from the front between the inlet and the slam panel
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