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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. Im into electronic like House, i.e Global Underground series. Also rock and metal, Foo Fighters, Audioslave, Disturbed. Also whatever NERD are, dont really know what you would categorise that as, maybe rock, maybe funk, "In Search of" is their best album.
  2. Lukey.


    Paradas managed fine for me in the wet for the most part once they got some warmth in them, I would never have bought them though, they came with the car. Eagle F1 GSD3 when brand new have far too much squirm and shuffle, they are better about half worn, which would be about 2000 miles after you bought them, they are good but they don't last 2 minutes, If I didn't mind buying new tyres that often I would always replace with GSD3s, michelin are pretty much not worth the premium they think they can charge. With regard to getting hold of T1Rs I just got a set for the A3 and they had a hard time f
  3. What happened with this now it says sorted? I was gonna check on my car for you although I'm certain its a squared plug, but its covered and tied down and didn't get the chance yet.
  4. Lukey.


    As far as I'm aware they are renowned for their wet handling, that said the Paradas are fine in the wet too. If you get the Paradas you won't be disappointed but you won't be totally amazed.
  5. Is that off an American how to? I'm pretty sure no uk cars have a post cat O2 sensor
  6. It can be that you need to purge the abs pump yes if you have compromised the integrity of the system. To do this any way other than cycling the pump by slamming in in a gravel bowl would be to use VCDS
  7. Ha it's usually the other way round, struggle, shout, get totally p!ssed off with trying to get the originals off, then fit the new replacements in 2 mins.
  8. Probably likely for the American or Far East market like Russia or china where emissions and mpg don't mean a thing, I've seen this from a few sources so the development must be going on, but also you have to consider all of the brands etc that make up the group, you could feasibly see this engine in a Porsche cayenne turbo and it would be an emissions and economy improvement aswell as significantly downsizing the engine whilst retaining peak figures, which is the trend now.
  9. Last time I took the stalks off I remember there was a red connector in that lot, take the ignition cowling off and have a look if all plugs are in place and connected
  10. I don't know if they are all heated or not but its dead easy to slide the seat off the rails, you could whip it put and have a clear look for any wiring, plugs etc.
  11. I left the first 2 out because I don't think there's particularly anything wrong and I visit the forums at least once a day really. 3) What is preventing you from attending our events Apologies in advance for my long answer. This one for me is, much as I would like to attend every motor show event etc that's on, the points for me are money, time and distance, all of which I wish I had more of, (less distance though lol) but its not easy for all the planets to align and its possible. I mean I really wanted to attend the rolling road meet, and apart from it actually being impossible due not b
  12. Ha cheers mate ill always try and help out where I can
  13. Green - back left - oil temp sensor MFA Yellow - front left - high oil pressure sender Blue - front right - low oil pressure sender From the pic looks like your temp sender has broken its tab? They are only about 3 quid (last time I bought one they were anyway) from VW
  14. They are triple square, thespannerman on eBay sells these bits. If you don't have any triple squares this explains also your trouble with the driveshaft bolts, they are also triple square, in which case get a 8mm and 10mm bit. You also can't re use flywheel bolts they are stretch, you can get a set from VW for about a tenner. To stop the engine rotating put a breaker bar and socket on the crank pulley bolt and wedge it on the floor, it will stop the engine from turning. Or do something like this, this will also come in handy when you have to reinstall the intermediate sprocket to 100Nm.
  15. Lukey.


    I had them and they were alright, they lasted pretty well to, much better than say A539. I did the opposite and when they were worn put T1R Toyos on
  16. There's 2 plastic levers holding the fuse box in place undo them and it'll come down quite a way.
  17. What part are you having issue with? The pressure plate is just held on with 6 bolts, I think they are a strange size like 9mm or 11mm. Before you undo them if its going bak on after get some tipex and draw a line on the pressure plate and flywheel so you can re assemble them in the correct orientation. I had trouble with mine and ended up putting it on in te wrong orientation and had massive shuddering and had to take the box off again. Undo them in a diagonal pattern in stages then you should be able to pull it off, if its stuck a tap around the edges with a small hammer works, just be read
  18. If it says its 0-10BAR then hey it should work, you're right, if it doesnt then its just $7. I don't know what M10x1 thread pitch would be in imperial though.
  19. From that part number it is for the optional OEM volt / oil gauge panel in the centre console? The remark for it is simply that it needs to be 1 pin 0-10 BAR and M10x1 thread. The OEM part no. says it was discontinued with no replacement in 2009.
  20. The rear beam is the same throughout the model range on the mk3.
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