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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. it looks ok on a bora, with votex bumpers, but not on any other car hehe
  2. did you go for a metal pipe or plastic?
  3. Man you're doing in one go what I've been working towards for like 3 years now, make every part brand new, but being my daily it's been when those original parts gave up the ghost
  4. Lukey.


    But they could just put UK, they lie!! The amount of emails I've had from "Steve" or "Lisa" and you find out they're coming from or something lol
  5. I thought corrados had those gauges from factory?
  6. Same for me I only have a boot keyhole
  7. the first blue cable for OBD2 is the one ive got and theres nothing wrong with it
  8. Haha reminds me of when my mom and dad came back off holiday with my front end in the living room looking like a fireplace surround! ha the looks i got with that in the front garden with the front-less car looking like it had been in a smash next to it when people drove past lol
  9. It really is that easy I would echo everyone else, do it right and do it once. Get a metal crack pipe, a smear of silicone grease on o-rings and a bead of coolant resistant sealant on mating surfaces. With the front off it was actually an enjoyable job.
  10. Did it work properly before? If it did I'd swap for another sensor
  11. I heard some presenters on a radio station, can't remember which, they were saying that Renault Clios are only driven by pretty girls, I haven't had an eye out for them, but thought this pretty funny as I was in the passenger seat in my brothers car, a Renault Clio.
  12. My constantly flat battery was tracked down to a shitty alternator, killed the battery beyond recovery, even immediately after a full charge it wouldn't give enough current to turn the engine over. So I had to do a bit of shopping Old one off and compared to the new one There's the reason, 70A and it should have been a 120A, the battery was 63Ah! Shiny new 120A and pulley fitted with new V belt And new high tensile bolts to mount the tensioner I modified the post covers to fit over the clamps, had to drill a hole in them for the clamp bolts, I thought it might look tidier, not so sure i
  13. Turns out you can tiger seal a rear view mirror on, you just have to be very careful with placement and fastening it down well to let the adhesive set, as a bonus its killed the constant vibration in the mirror too
  14. this is gonna look brand new when you're done
  15. Yea looks really good with the Audi handles
  16. Lukey.


    Don't block Europe addresses a few weeks back my ip stated it was in Netherlands, today it's dewsbury lol
  17. The car end of the hoses are the same for early and late, does your VR even have brake pad warning? My 97 doesn't I just cut the wires off my pads
  18. That doesn't sound right, IIRC it should flash if not plugged in too
  19. If you have RCL and fancy de locking, the rears will fit on the fronts aswell
  20. I was watching a programme lastnight and this woman was having bad fibromyalgia, it turned out it was her breast implants, so that could be a cause 8-)
  21. I got a starbucks card with a free app code for LostWinds. It was so good Ive downloaded LostWinds2 now
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