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Everything posted by Lukey.

  1. I took off the wishbone by undoing the 2 big bolts for the bushes and the 3 small bolts on the end that attach the ball joint. Getting it off was straightforward enough, just turned the hub slightly and it moved away from the wishbone and it slid out, but can I buggery get it back on, it seems where there was clearance before there now isnt and I can't get it back in. Any tips on getting it back in easier? I'm doing this on my drive and didn't take the big ball joint bolt out as I couldn't get it to crack off. I'm gonna have a fresh look tomorrow morning but had to call it a day earlier cos I
  2. Lukey.


    if they take normal headlight bulbs then theyll take an HID retrofit kit
  3. hmm should have read these 2 threads the other way round. Sorry to hear that mate, as said have a nice cold beer and try to just deal with it and put it in its box and move forward, easy to say and not easy to do i know.... or take up krav maga lol j/k
  4. if you have 288mm brakes already you need the banjo fronts and the screw on rears and centres like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Golf-MK3-VR6-Goodridge-Braided-Brake-Hose-Lines-G11-SVW0604-6P-6-lines-VW-/120862094655?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item1c23f1353f HEL also do them in all the colours of the rainbow should you so desire, i have HEL but got a good price, if i was doing it now id go for goodridge, they seem to be the cheapest and have the reputation
  5. was reading this months top gear and they're only gonna do a 2 seater roadster, ie the coupe with its stupid looking roof cut off, i have to say it will probably be an improvement
  6. Totally awful, seen a fair few pop up in my town, it's full of "one-upper" toss bags so I always get to see plenty of the newest model of cars pretty much from release date lol. Renault? Think you mean shitroen
  7. Got the top strip masked off today and shutzed the bottom section, 3M shutz is officially awesome, i may do all the underside area with it too. Its bizzare to watch too as it comes out like a liquid, then bubbles away as if its boiling and after about a minute sets into a tarry layer of protection Nice saying i just did it by hand on the ground Also after ages of scraping got the 2 strips cleaned off and fresh tape on them ready to go back on
  8. EBC make the colour-stuff dont they? First I would put braided hoses on and you'll instantly have like 30% better braking
  9. only an idiot would remove the mesh on the MAF
  10. are you on about the main bit or the front crossmember?
  11. Is it the one that connects the hard lines over the rear beam? if so looks to me like 1H0611775 M10 X1 X155mm long
  12. Nah me and my stepdad did it on Sunday, that is definitely not a 1 man job when the beam is still on the car, it requires some heavy manhandling!
  13. Ah yea I did that when I was dealing with some rust on them, there was a huge pile of crap came out of each of them lol They were still smaller than the pile of sand that I drained out of one the chassis channels, you could have nearly filled up a kiddie sand pit haha
  14. I found that the skirt hanger strip had come away from its sticky so i removed the skirts and was only going to replace the sticky strip, but when i (carefully i might add) removed the sticky strip it took bloody great lengths of paint with it!! Like so I also found some surface rust where the sticky had failed and it let in water etc. I buzzed all of the surface rust off and when i was happy with it i zinc primed the full sills again. As it was surface I didnt have to remove any metal, i just removed the top film of rust til it was clean again. Then I just gloss blacked over the top, using m
  15. Got the subframe bushes in today, which was a bit harder, they needed pressing in, they wouldnt just slip in. Being just on my drive with the wheels raised on blocks I improvised. Getting the original ones out was hard enough in itself cos of these stupid press fit washers holding them in, the hacksaw sorted them out. Even with a great slot cut out of them they still require braying off with hammer and chisel, the originals still didnt want to come out and has to be cut out. Finally got the original stuff off. Having no way to press them in I improvised using a 36mm socket as a spacer block
  16. i was looking for a JDM DC2 when i was buying a car this time, ended up with my VR6 obviously, could i funk find a decent one. You want to talk about engine that use a lot of oil, ford zetec engines, the pissheads of the engine world
  17. So youre using the original corrado gearbox?
  18. This also depends on the spec of oil you use, 5w30 will disappear more quickly than 10w40
  19. Ha cheers, just got some new hacksaw blades for the subframe washers see how much of a fight they put up
  20. I got it for £186 from larkspeed, cheapest I could find and relatively local to me
  21. I found that all of my bushes could do with replacement (understatement, they are mostly torn up to sh!t) so got the full powerflex kit for the VR6. Rear Beam, Wishbone Front, Wishbone Rear, Anti Roll Bar, Power Steering and Subframe first I tried the 4 subframe bushes as they looked the easiest to do, wrong, i couldn't get the top washers off for anything, i tried all sorts, I'll probably end up hacksawing them off and just fitting suitable replacements, but i gave up on them and moved on to the rear beam. This was hard but not as hard as I thought it was going to be, manage to not have to d
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