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Everything posted by Tel

  1. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-Corrado-VR6-Powerflex-Rear-Axle-Bushes-85-206-/110543345844?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item19bce598b4
  2. As above mate. I've had what sounds like both the same problems in the past. With the rear beam bushes, go aftermarket. A million times easier to fit and last forever. As far as the front top mounts are concerned, easy as anything to change and cheap as chips
  3. Doubt he'll have too many people ringing him up with an ad like that mate. lol
  4. If you are after an OBD1 lump with coil pack, I know the boys at Golf 1st had one in stock a week ago when I bought my engine.
  5. Thanks for the replies guys. The coolant has stayed at a decent level and not dropped at all while it had been running. I have checked in the cap but no moisture residue in there
  6. Smells of oil. It's white smoke. Worried it's a buggered bottom end that I have bought. Just seems weird that it was absolutely fine when we first started it after putting it in. Can't exactly go back to the guy I bough it from as I bought it 3 weeks ago and he lives 250 miles away. Not great
  7. Sorry mate, when i unplugged the maf it almost cut out so it's not that
  8. I unplugged the MAF which made it bog down so I can rule that out. I'm sure the ISV is working, it came off of my original engine with no problems. Just a really weird problem Cheers Nat
  9. Hi guys, recently done an engine change on my OBD1 VR. Started up today and runs lumpy as anything When the engine is under load it fills the whole street with smoke and on idle the revs are hunting like mad. I really can't understand it as when we started the car after the engine change it idled beautifully. I have checked all breathers, plugs, hoses, oil level, water level etc. Any ideas guys? Don't want to but if I can't solve it this week I will have to break it to get some money back Cheers in advance
  10. Hi guys, just a quick pic update as how she sits now. I'll be back tomorrow to write out the (very long) list of bits that have been done over the last couple of months. Lol All comments welcome
  11. Brilliant, cheers Rik. I'll get one ordered up. Might need to hook up with you soon and get my car on Vag Com if that's ok?
  12. Anyone? If anyone knows the rating of the fuse strip across the top then that would be even better.
  13. I'm in Tonbridge mate. Couple of big roundabouts along from here
  14. If it's any use, I got a part number off of the main unit. The main problem is the fused bar that bridges across the top. 1H0 919 506 A Cheers
  15. Who is it you work for mate? I'm a critical services engineer for an American financial investment firm. Basically looking after a Tier 4 Data centre and making sure nothing goes tits up. Perks include 12 hours of a warm, well lit underground car park to use to work on the VR, clean it and take pics. lol
  16. Lol, cheers mate Hopefully I can just get a strip of fuse wire for it and get it going again. Just looks shite with nothing between the terminals. Just adding it to my list of problems. Lol
  17. The metal fuse strip thingy on the top has blown/broke/snapped or something. It has obviously been gone for some time. I don't know what i'd have to replace it with. Fan controller and aux water pump seem to be working ok. I just want it working as it's there. Hope you, Emma and little one are doing good Rik
  18. Hi guys, I have got a problem with a little black box beneath my header tank on the right hand side of the engine bay. I think the earth cable from the battery goes to it and it has a small strip of fuse wire connected between 2 terminals on the top. Could someone tell me what it is and what it's for pleeeeeeeease? Cheers
  19. Not good fella Looks like it has taken a painful hit. As long as you are ok, that's the main thing.
  20. Quality!! Best way to spend a snow day
  21. Hi guys, just wondering how much of a pain in the arse it is to change cam followers on a VR lump? It's a '92 OBD1 if that makes any difference? Just want an idea before I think of tackling it myself. Cheers
  22. I'll hold out for one of yours matey. Especially if it's geared towards low slung cars. Would be handy for mine and a few other cars I do work on
  23. I want a white 5 door now. Lol Looks spot on!!
  24. I've been doing mine in this weather. No snow here yet though, if there was it'd be an entirely different ball game. Lol
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