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Posts posted by Tel

  1. Smells of oil. It's white smoke. Worried it's a buggered bottom end that I have bought. Just seems weird that it was absolutely fine when we first started it after putting it in.

    Can't exactly go back to the guy I bough it from as I bought it 3 weeks ago and he lives 250 miles away.

    Not great

  2. Hi guys,

    recently done an engine change on my OBD1 VR. Started up today and runs lumpy as anything :angry:

    When the engine is under load it fills the whole street with smoke and on idle the revs are hunting like mad. I really can't understand it as when we started the car after the engine change it idled beautifully.

    I have checked all breathers, plugs, hoses, oil level, water level etc.

    Any ideas guys?

    Don't want to but if I can't solve it this week I will have to break it to get some money back

    Cheers in advance

  3. I am an Electrical Engineer who specialises in Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) ...

    I touch all your lives somewhere.... :D

    Who is it you work for mate?

    I'm a critical services engineer for an American financial investment firm. Basically looking after a Tier 4 Data centre and making sure nothing goes tits up. Perks include 12 hours of a warm, well lit underground car park to use to work on the VR, clean it and take pics. lol

  4. The metal fuse strip thingy on the top has blown/broke/snapped or something. It has obviously been gone for some time. I don't know what i'd have to replace it with. Fan controller and aux water pump seem to be working ok. I just want it working as it's there.

    Hope you, Emma and little one are doing good Rik :)

  5. Hi guys, I have got a problem with a little black box beneath my header tank on the right hand side of the engine bay.

    I think the earth cable from the battery goes to it and it has a small strip of fuse wire connected between 2 terminals on the top.

    Could someone tell me what it is and what it's for pleeeeeeeease?

    Cheers :)

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