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Posts posted by Tel

  1. They are thirsty but you learn to drive to keep your consumption down. Lol. The fuel bill on mine taught me a very quick lesson on how to drive economically. Mine has gone behind the plinth on the tailgate, bottom of the rear screen, rear arches (under the kit) and the sills under the sill covers. I decided to ditch the plastic arch covers because they retain so much crap off of the road and secondly, I think it looks so much better. Take a look at my car thread, there's a few pics on there without the kit on :)

  2. thats possible' date=' but also check the rubber door seals as they can wair in odd places as i found out on my old 16v.


    Brilliant, thanks for the advice i will be checking that out asap. i have plans to get rid of all the rusty places around the car, especially round the sill areas, as they seem to be worse affected than anywhere else, hopefully it wont cost too much!!!

    Must be a dusty mover thing, found my sills had a couple of holes in yesterday. Oops. Luckily enough a mate of mine is going to sort it out for me. What areas of body work are tatty mate?

  3. Cheers :)

    Not sure what wheels yet. As much as I keep looking at 16's, I love the look of TT comps. I'll have to wait and see.

    Also changed the HT leads as 2 of them were arcing off of the head and making the car run like shite. Won't be taking the car out until I go to work in the morning but even idle seems a million times better

  4. Mine were fixed with 3 rivets on the bottom edge of the arch. Then you have to remove 2 or 3 10mm bolts for the mud flaps. Just took mine off. No major horror story but a few scabby on the bottom edge of the arch. This is one of the reasons I took mine off. They hold far too much crud and ruin the arches. Plus it looks miles better without them :)

  5. Well i have made the decision to sell my wheels asap as I fancy some 16's to give me a better ride. I use the car as my daily and the 17's really are a bit too big for what I like, plus I want to make the car 'my own'.

    Bought a fair few bits over the past week. Well I say a few:

    Standard VR Airbox

    Smooth side mouldings

    New fog lights / indicators

    LED side light bulbs

    Front strut brace

    New back box

    Powerflex exhaust mounts

    Morrette light units

    Bonnet lifter struts

    Full new lock kit.

    Not too bad but I guess when you're bored at work on nights, internet shopping seems so appealing. Lol

    Took a couple of pics at work earlier, only difference from the last lot is that the black arch cover thingys are off. I'll update this as more of the new parts are fitted :)

  6. About a foot of snow here in Tonbridge. Working nights and the VR is just sat there looking nice in the snow. Until my shift finishes anyway.

    Glad to hear you didn't smack the car, I think I might leave mine here. Lol

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