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Everything posted by bradvr6

  1. Thanks Pete, I wasn't aware of that. To be honest, I may ditch that too as it will give me even more clearance around the back of the coilpack. If I run with a basic one speed controller for the fans I might power them from a constant live rather than switched so that they continue to run until the rad reaches the cutoff temp. Decision decisions...
  2. Hi guys, I'm in need of a bit advice from you lecky experts out there. I'm looking for a fan controller (revotec fan controller) to power the slim fans I have bought for my turbo project. I know people in the past have wired them into the existing fan controller to retain the 2 or 3 speed setup which is fine but I want to run a simple temp adjustable single speed setup for maximum cooling and reliability. I'm really struggling for space in the engine bay too and ditching the OEM fan controller would be ideal. Does anyone know if the original controller can be deleted or not and if so, is it a
  3. Hi guys, I'm in need of a bit advice from you lecky experts out there. I'm looking for a fan controller (revotec fan controller) to power the slim fans I have bought for my turbo project. I know people in the past have wired them into the existing fan controller to retain the 2 or 3 speed setup which is fine but I want to run a simple temp adjustable single speed setup for maximum cooling and reliability. I'm really struggling for space in the engine bay too and ditching the OEM fan controller would be ideal. Does anyone know if the original controller can be deleted or not and if so, is it a
  4. Thought I'd awaken the build thread with a few updates. Due to having to move the car to another storage unit over the winter, I haven't been able to work on it much but since it's now back where it should be, I've managed to progress with a few bits. I decided to go with the twin pass intercooler which is mounted to the front reinforcer with 'L' brackets. The rad is a little too close to the intake manifold for my liking so I may need to pull it forward a few millimeters to allow for more clearance for the slim fans. I've also mocked up the pipework and all looks to fit nicely Sent the fi
  5. Thanks Kev, just what I needed to know!
  6. Hi chaps, I'm going down the Begi route for starters on my vrt project. Has anyone had any experience with setting these up? I've read the installation instructions on the manufacturers website and all seems fairly simple. My only problem is that they say it should be run in sequence with a standard fuel pressure regulator for baseline pressure. As I'm running the a Schimmel short runner and rail, I no longer have anywhere on the rail to mount the stock regulator. My question is, do I definitely have to run the stock reg or is there any way of installing the Begi on it's own without it? Thank
  7. Cheers Kev, makes sense. How did you route that around to your throttle body when you ran the sri? I'm thinking around the bulkhead and under the coilpack would be best so as to avoid the serp belt? As for the PCV, I might end up leaving that until last. I can't quite believe how little room there is to play with in the VR bay once that Turbo goes in. Hopefully I'll have enough room left for a catch can.
  8. Cheers chaps. That's just what I needed to know. Kev, I presume dumping the crankcase gases would mean an MOT fail? Was just hoping to save a bit of space in the bay if poss but it's worth doing a job right the first time in my opinion so I'll go with the catch can. Probably go with the check valve for the evap. Would something like this do the trick? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fuel-Check-Valve-8mm-/330534168086?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_BoatEquipment_Accessories_SM&hash=item4cf55f2616 Also, where abouts in relation to the Evap solenoid would you install this? I assume it would have to go
  9. Hi, I'm currently (albeit slowly) working through my VRT conversion. I have a couple of questions for you FI guys... 1. What do I do with the PCV Valve? Do I keep it and reroute it back to the intake pipe after the MAF as normal, remove it and run a pipe back into the intake, run an open ended pipe or use a catch can? 2. Same with the Evap Solenoid. Can I delete this or do I need to keep it somehow? Any advice would be very welcome. Cheers in advance, Brad.
  10. Well, I thought I'd bring this thread up to date a little. Been really busy with work over Christmas and New Year but now I finally have somewhere I can work on the car so been cracking on! I'm a complete novice when it comes to engineering / mechanics so if anybody spots anything I've done wrong or have any suggestions on how to improve anything, please let me know. I figured out how to trim car seats so thought I'd test myself with something new! So, here goes. I'm building this as an entry level VRT. It's going to be done on a budget however, I'll be looking to make sure that I don't cut
  11. Didn't know they did a RHD manifold?? As for the pedal box, haven't looked into that although it's not something I'd fancy doing really especially since the new interior went in. I know Kev relocated his on his DIY turbo guide but he just used some fitting he had lying around. Looks a fairly easy job. Just need to know what fitting and hoses to use and where I can get them from. I need to replicate the two plasic lugs on the bottom of the pot which fit into the master cylinder.
  12. Hi guys, I'm currently making steady progress on my turbo conversion and as I'm using the ATP manifold I need to relocate the brake fluid reservoir to the other side of the bay. I've removed the pot and OEM hoses however I need to know how to tap into the master cylinder and furthermore, what fixings to use and where best to get them from. Any advice especially from someone who has done this would be really appreciated!
  13. Cheers for that! Must have got my wires crossed somewhere along the line. I'll have a read through it...
  14. Hi Guys, I stared my turbo install this week. Engine is timed, front end is off and all is ready to strip down for the spacer install. I've come to lock off the cams with the locking tool and the slots are too low for the tool to slot into (by about 3 or 4mm). I've checked the timing marks, piston 1 is at TDC and both cam lobes are at rest. Does anybody know why this could be happening. Have I missed something obvious? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Brad.
  15. Just thought I'd start my build thread with a few words and pics from the past 6 years of owning the VR. It's been a nightmare at times but the good bits certainly outweigh the bad......... First things first, shes a 95 VR6 with 95k on the clock. I've done a whopping 30k of that myself!! Over the last few years I've gone through one top end rebuild, a gearbox rebuild, and a parts list as long as...well, a corrado service book! All for a good cause of course Back in 2008 I had the rear arches flared and on went the 9J's .Then the rest sort of came to a halt. Last year I re-awakened the build by
  16. Thats good news as I had the TB ported a couple of years back and I prefer a heavier pedal too..I was thinking it was for clearance issues but as I'll be using slim fans it should be ok anyway.
  17. Sent him a message so fingers crossed he still has the bits! I was having another read through your build and noticed that your throttle body is different to mine too. Is it a golf TB? Mine is the original Corrado one and seems like the spring is quite a bit bigger. Will this be a problem when I come to refit the rad? Think I'm going to start a build thread of my own as I can see I'm going to have a few more questions to ask along the way. Everyone seems really helpful on here which is a massive help! 8-)
  18. Really??? Small world eh! Hope you don't mind me posting this up :-| I take it as I will be using a RRFPR and standard ECU as a starting point, this will be redundent for the time being? I'll see if the guy I bought it off still has the other bits then. Kinda running out of funds with just the snail to buy now, so hopefully he won't want too much for them. Would be great to keep the ISV if I can....
  19. Thanks for the imput guys! I have a Schimmel log at the moment. Bought it second hand but don't fancy hacking away at it just yet. Whilst I'm on the subject, it has a plug in the top of it and I'm really not sure what it is?? Maybe for manifold pressure? Is the ISV easy to reroute when relocated to new TB location? I'd like to keep it if possible. The car is not so much a daily driver but it will get a fair bit of use Pete: I'd love to go ODB2 but wouldn't have a clue where to start... I'm just trying to plan as much as I can before I start my install so all advice is very welcome! Thanks a
  20. Just a quick question for all you VRT guys; When you run with a short runner intake manifold, what do you do with the ISV? I've heard of people just deleting them. Is this advisable or is there another way to somehow keep the ISV? Brad.
  21. Yeah, that is the stuff. I've been in touch with a few US Permatex suppliers but they just flatly refuse to send the stuff under any circumstances. Spoke to a guy at Loctite about the copper spray and again, they don't supply that to any UK sellers. There must be a UK company doing something similar. I'd be interested to know what this red stuff is Kev although if it's an aerosol, doubt if this will be available here either. Do you guys think it's woth the risk not using anything at all? I'm using the metal gasket with a 2mm spacer...
  22. Think thats the gasket maker stuff... Is this the stuff you mean Kev? [url=]http://tds.loctite.com/tds5/docs/COPHTGSS-EN.PDF
  23. Does anyone know of the best place to source the hardware for my turbocharger? Ideally, I'd like to buy a whole kit with oil feed/return lines, fixings and gaskets etc. It's for a Garrett T3.
  24. Did you manage to find any mate? I'm looking to crack on with mine with no joy! There must be good alternative out there!
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