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Posts posted by nedvrt

  1. Just before Xmas managed to get hold of a unit but it had so much rubbish init so took a month on constant cleaning but got to tow the golf there was the scetchey thing I've ever done got my mate to tow it with my car on a bar but I had no pedal box init yet so would not recommend it lol


    Thought il throw in a pic of the pedal box and managed to start work on the syncro rear end I managed to find

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  2. Then it went back down on it's wheels and it felt like a massive achievement, then I started toying with idears of intercoolers, boost pipes n rads


    After all this I binned it all of as it was getting to crowded under there n decided I wanted a rear rad and big intercooler a also adapted a pair of clocks to fit the mk2 dash and picked up the new 4mo set up and bought a nice shiny fuel tank

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  3. The test fit dident work lol but that was at 2 in the morn so couldent see a lot so fist thing on a Sunday morning I got cutting ;)

    As you can see it's a very tight garage that I have to work in so the most annoying bit is squeezing every thing back in the garage after I'm done


    After cutting and standing back and looking a lot this is where I was happy with the way it would sit In there so I started to butcher the mk3 for it's mounts


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  4. Hi people I figured it's time to start a thread as I keep putting it off, apologise in advance if there's not a lot of a write up as there's abit of a backlog of photos but bascali I had a small fire in my mk3 so neglect it abit n was Always planning on 4wd it and love the shape of a mk1 and live the berg cup ones so decided that's what I'm doin so here's what I've done so far


    This is how I bought the mk1 shell I wanted a Mars red gti and I spent ages looking then this appeard and the fact it had a cage was good so with it being up for a couple hours I contacted him n went to see it n left a deposit as it had a g60 init witch he wanted to take out


    First thing I did was start painting inside as I was too eager to do something lol


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