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Roger Chatfield

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Everything posted by Roger Chatfield

  1. As some of you know I'm having a few problems with my VR6, as I've already got the sump off I thought it may be a good idea to change the big end bearing shells as I'm led to believe that this is quite easy with the engine still in the car. Can anyone recommend a supplier for said big end bearings?? Many thanks Rog.
  2. Could it be from the bearings (big end or main), it's obviously not from the upper tensioner as that is plastic. I'm only getting my noise when the engine is hot, worse when under load and above 3k hence why I'm thinking bearings but I'm open to suggestions. Out of interest are bearing shells magnetic? Rog.
  3. Yes mate, it's like small bits of tin foil, really thin. Rog.
  4. I've had a look about the internet and discovered that the bottom chain tensioner is plastic so the metal flakes have not come from there. I wonder if it's a good idea for me to check the big end shells while I have the sump off, is this possible? Rog.
  5. To be fair it was jammed right up in the oil pump stainer, I only found it as I removed the pump and was giving it a poke around in with a screwdriver to remove the metal bits. Rog.
  6. Update.. Ok, grabbed a quick hour down the garage and managed to get the top chain cover off.. Guess what, my tensioner has been replaced with the later type... so the question is... where did that piece of plastic come from?? Has the top tensioner failed at some point in the past and that's been stuck in the oil strainer all these years or has it come from somewhere else... is the bottom chain tensioner of similar design?? Oh, and a quick pick of the cams, look like new, no wear and all looks nice and clean... looks like its been looked after. Rog.
  7. Personally I don't think it's just wear, the engine has 138k on it but the chains and tensioner so were changed by Stealth (before my ownership) a few years ago, I'll have to check the paperwork but I'm sure less than 40k ago. I think something has failed, I'll get the covers off tomorrow and report my findings. Out of interest, where is the best place to buy the tension runners? Also I've heard somewhere that there is a later all metal runner, is that true? Rog.
  8. Evening all, just thought I'd share with you the issues I'm having with my Corrado VR6. Now I have a problem with the engine, it has always 'ticked' when cold so I've bought a new set of lifters that are waiting to be fitted, then I noticed a bad rattle sound when hot and under load, its worse above 3k and quite loud so I took it up to Dan at Devon Dub Shack, he advised me to see an old customer of his who is a bit of a VR6 expert, he suggested that it could be big and/or small ends.... bugger... however he has a mate who has an engine for sale... so a deal was done and I ended up being the
  9. Engine has been delivered, had a quick look and it's a ABV.... Result... Rog.
  10. My Corrado Storm is making some rather horrible noises and is probably on its last legs, looks like the bottom end has gone and if my new 'thicker' oil doesn't solve the problem it looks like its new engine time. So, a local bloke has a spare VR6 gathering dust in his garage, it's from a Mk3 Golf but he claims its a 2.9, now I'm pretty sure its a 2.8 as I'm lead to believe all Golfs were 2.8 So, will the 2.8 fit my car, ie. can I simply replace like for like, will it mate to my gearbox ect? Are there any major differences between the two engines?? and if I retain my ecu and cams will I see
  11. Afternoon chaps, My Storm has started making strange noises recently, it's a tapping noise under load and is worse over 3k, I took it to a local enthusiast (has owned 3 VR6 golfs) and he's fairly convinced that it's not the chains and asked what engine work I've done to the car since I've owned it. The only thing I've done is change the oil, he has suggested that maybe because of the high mileage that the oil is too thin and that I should try a thicker oil. Can anyone recommend a suitable oil?? I'm currently using the stuff VW recommend which I think is 10w 40. Rog.
  12. Name: VW Corrado Storm (1995) Date Added: 17 February 2014 - 11:34 PM Owner: Roger Chatfield Short Description: Roger Chatfield's Mystic Blue Corrado Storm View Vehicle
  13. Pete, I've tried to watch those vids mate but quite a few of them say 'private vidoe' when I try and watch them. Rog.
  14. Ordered a set of INA lifters from OEM parts, £67 delivered. Rog.
  15. Thanks guys, I'll let you know how I get on. Next question, where is the best place to buy lifters, I've seen a set on ebay for 70 odd quid but those are for the AAA engine, will they fit mine? Rog.
  16. Afternoon chaps, I've got a 2.9 Corrado and have a ticking sound coming from the left hand side of the engine, I've got aftermarket cams and am fairly convinced it's a valve lifter problem so I'm thinking of changing all the lifters. I'm led to believe that the lifters / hydraulic tappets are fairly easy to change and simply lift out once the cams are removed but how easy is it to remove the cams?, has anyone got any 'top tips' Many thanks Rog.
  17. Back in the day when I had my CRX I used to organise the odd rolling road day at Alan Jeffery's rollers. Basic format was 2 power runs with a print out for £20, the rollers are Dyno Dynamics and are very actuate. After everyone had been on the rollers and a few ego's had been quashed we would normally head across to Cornwall for a bite to eat at a pub and then maybe up on to moors for a photoshoot / chinwag. Normally do this on a Sunday as the rollers are free. So, just gauging interest at the moment, if enough folk fancy it then I'll approach AJ and see if he can fit us in. Looking at maybe t
  18. My local motor factor has Castrol Edge 5w-30 fully synth for £18.51. Any good for the Rado?? or too thin.
  19. Evening guys, I'm doing an oil change on my Corrado shortly and was wondering what oil folk recommend? I'm I right in thinking 10w 40 semi synth is the correct grade? I've used Halfords own brand 10w 40 semi successfully in my Hondas before, anyone use it in a VR? Rog.
  20. Fairly certain its not the chains, the sound seems to come from the other end and the chains and tensioners were replaced a few thousand miles ago. Rog.
  21. Nope, last owner used it as his daily. It was serviced in February but I'm thinking maybe an oil change would be a good idea. Rog.
  22. Hard to say but I think it's more the left side (looking at the engine from the front), deffo sounds like cams. Rog.
  23. Evening fella's I'm new to VR6 ownership so please be gentle...lol When cold I'm getting a loud ticking sound from the engine, it sounds like a badly adjusted tappet but I'm lead to believe the VR6 has hydraulic tappets. Once hot (after about 10 mins) the sound disappears. Anyone shed any light on this?? BTW I've got a 95 Corrado VR6. Many thanks Rog.
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