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Everything posted by Babooshka

  1. Hi all, well i lifted the bonnet of my 1997 3door vr6 to start my refurb, to find the drivers side strut tower has dreaded rust an hole right through, area is quite big.......is it a bin it job or fixable with steel plate or cut out existing and try an reweld in a second hand replacement???? Wondering if any one else has achieved success or sold on? Cheers.....
  2. Hi. Im slowly getting my VR back in shape but i think whilst taking a warm up drive as its been parked up for a long time a knocking noise was heard from passenger wheel arch. On looking inside i put my hand up an found a small piece of spring, so im guessing the stiffness snapped a piece off. So.....i need some help on replacing the front coils an while im at it might aswell do the rear too. Iv heard i may need to lift engine up??? Id rather not but any info massively appreciated on changing coils. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeers
  3. Awesome. The backbox needs a sleeve but it means cutting the pipe from suitcase to original backbox then fitting scorpion using sleeve to connect to pipe that runs into suitcase box. Easy. As for 3rd, when changing from 2nd into 3rd it just wouldnt go into 3rd, like something was jamming it as it wouldnt lock into 3rd, so therefore it mustve gone back into neutral, iv had it parked up a while so guess it might be a little stiff, as i couldnt get into reverse either!!!! But a wobble on the linkage arm under bonnet got me back in reverse, not tried 3rd after that as i didnt like to risk getting
  4. Babooshka


    Hi all. Just joined. I have a dragon green P reg 3 dr vr6 and have just bought a twin pipe scorpion back box, to fit it do i only need adapter to fit onto existing pipe from suitcase box? Id need to cut it to length then fit back box with an adapter????? Also my front left coil is beat, i have 4 new lowering coils drops it 30mm, is it a bum to change the coils and will i need to replace shocks too??? Also i jumped it the other day for a warm up blast and when cruising around my village 3rd gear wouldnt lock in and power totally went untill i skipped 3rd from 2nd to 4th...... Cheeeeeeeers.
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