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Everything posted by Trickster71

  1. Trickster71


  2. Thanks i will have to ring up for a chat about it
  3. Has this been fitted on a 24v does anybody know??
  4. some good photos and videos there and i wish i could have made it
  5. I would have liked to have come and met some members and seen some rides but i'm working I hope u all have fun and there will be some photos and videos put up to look at.
  6. Added a couple of photos in the Members ride section and will sort out joining the club this week as u aint 12v snobs lol
  7. Here is my mk2 she needs some tidying up and some love but we will get there. I have moved the K&N since this photo was taken but it will be moved again once i have switched the washer bottle to the otherside and maybe relocated battery.
  8. Hi all, I have been lurking around for a week or so and thought i better say Hello. I hope i'm allowed here as i have mk2 with a V6 24V and not a VR6 conversion.
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